Aaron Finds Out

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Ava's POV

Last night I was up three or four times with the baby kicking and it really did tire me out. I sat on my bed and thought what to wear today, I finally chose my gray leggings, white tank top and my over grown jumper. I got dressed before sitting back down nurves about the chat me and Mitch are going to be having, I got up my breathing was started to quicken as I started to worry about What Mitch wanted, I went downstairs, I sat on the sofa and tried to slow my breathing down, I was having a panic attack I knew I was. My breathing quickened and I couldn't slow it down, mum came into the room and saw what was happening "Ava breath" she says crouching down in front of me and taking my hands. My breathing was still fast when Aaron came in "mum what's happening" I hear Aaron ask mum "Ava's having a panic attack" mum tells Aaron and he sits beside me "Avery it's me, take deep breaths" he says before "mum pass us the brown paper bag from the side please" Aaron asks and mum gets the bag and passes it to Aaron who passed it to me, "Ava breath into this bag, deep breaths" he tells me and I do that and soon I was calming down. "Ava what's wrong, you never just have a panic attack for no reason" mum asks me kneeling in front of me. "I guess I was just worrieing about what Mitch wants to talk to me about, he said it was urgent" I tell them still slowing my breathing down "I'm sure it'll be fine Ava, and if he says anything that hurts your feelings or he hurts you then he will have me to deal with" Aaron says and I smile "thanks big bro" I say as we side hug (sitting next to eachother and hugging basically) "what time is he ment to be here" mum asks me and I look at my phone to see the time. "He's ment to be here soon"I tell them and mum nods "you stay in here and I'll send him through when he gets here" mum says and just nod. Mum goes into the bar to sort out for the day just as Diane comes downstairs and does the same. Aaron looks at me as if to say something wrong but u shrug it off. "Ava are you pregnant?" He asks me quietly and I freeze slightly "what makes you think I am" I ask with an unsure but hushed tone. I knew my secret was out now, I'm awful at hiding things "Avery please tell me, I'm your brother, best friend, the one you said you trust more than anything" Aaron says to me, I look down and bite my lip "I'm pregnant, 6 Months" I say holding back tears, I was scared  "please don't tell mum, or anyone" I beg him "Av you need to tell someone other than me, mum will find out soon, you know as soon as I notice something mum does, just tell her or I'm sorry but I will" Aaron says to me "Aaron please don't, none will know soon, when I've had the baby I'm leaving it, I'm not keeping it, none will know it's even mine." I say and Aaron looks at me with pure shock with what I said. "Avery if you don't tell mum then I will" Aaron says and I let a tear roll down my cheek "please don't" I say as my voice cracks but I was too late, Aaron walked out into the bar and I guess he was telling mum.

Aaron's POV

I couldn't believe that my little sister, my 15 year old sister is pregnant, I had to tell mum no matter how much Ava begged me not to tell I had to, I left the lounge and through to see mum who was sorting the bar out for opening. "Mum could I talk to you, about Ava" I say to mum and she nods and we go to one side "what's wrong with Ava" mum asks me, "she didn't want me telling you this but she's pregnant, 6 Months" I tell mum and she looks shocked "she's 15" is all mum says before headding back to the living room "Avery-Emilie Leigh Livesy why didn't you tell me you were pregnant! You 15 for god sake I'm your mother" mum says as she enters the room

Ava's POV

"Avery-Emilie Leigh Livesy, why didn't you tell me you were pregnant! Your 15 for God sake, I'm Your mother" mum
Shouts at me and I look down "I'm sorry" I say quietly "your 15 Ava" mum says to me sitting down next to me and I wipe a stray tear away from my eye. "I'm not keeping it, I'm leaving it when I've had it" I admit to mum and she doesn't look happy "it's your choice Ava, but if you have it don't just leave it just have it adopted" mum says and I sigh I havd no clue what to do


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