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In my story Aaron hasn't ended up in hospital because of his selfharming

Jess xx

Ava's PoV

I was let out of prison today on good behaviour and later I'm getting the electronic tag fitted. I was glad to be home I've missed everyone. Aaron told me that mum was seeing dad again. I didn't want to believe it, but it was true.

Me and Aaron were walking home from the bus stop and we walked into the pub Everyone saying welcome home or welcome back. My small smile dropped when I saw dad. I walked past everyone and to my room.

Aaron walks into my room not long after I did and he sits beside me on my bed "Ava I won't let him hurt you again" Aaron says to me holding me into his side. "What about you a, what about him hurting you like before"

Me and Aaron stay in our sideways hug for a while before I break the silence "did you know I was sharing a cell with Charity" I say and Aaron shock his head "she protected me from Jenna who was our other cell mate" I say and Aaron kisses my forehead.

"Let's go back downstairs yeah"  Aaron says and I shake my head "not if he's down their" I mumble to my older brother and he sighs softly. "Please come down for me" Aaron says poking my sides and I giggle agreeing to go down just for him.

We walked down the stairs, Aaron with his arm around me and me with my phone in my hands, we walked into the bar where this time their was a poster saying welcome home Ava. I walked in and smiled weakly, it was good to be home, apart from him being here.

- Flashback -

It was the winter before I turned 5, Aaron was in his room doing homework and I was playing with my teddy on the floor of his room. We heard the door slam open and then shut again and it scared me. Aaron was older than me and he tried protecting me.

I buried my head into his leg when he told me to stay in his room while she went downstairs. I heard dad shouting at Aaron and then footsteps running up the stairs. And Aaron crying. He told me to go to my room so I did.

That night I was scared, I was crying all I wanted was my big brother. I must have been crying for a while when Aaron walked into my room and sat next to me, he kept saying things like it would be alright and we would begins but i was scared.

Aaron sat with me in his arms and I was dozing off to sleep when my bedroom door flys open. "She will never learn if you keep staying with her" he shouts and I remember being scared. Aaron kissed my forehead before leaving my room and me alone with dad.

"You need to learn" he says pulling me out if my bed by my wrist. "You're brother will be better without you" he screamed in my face before slapping me. As a four year old it was really scary. I cry, scared, frightened and in pain.

Soon after that dad threw me to the floor and slammed my door shut as he left. I heard him In Aaron's room, I didn't know what was happening, being a inquisitive 4 year old I went to investigate. I went to Aaron's room And saw dad doing something to Aaron's.

"Ava go back to your room princess" Aaron says crying and I go back to my room. I sit on my bed hiding under my blanket clutching my teddy what mum got me when we went to visit one week end and the teddy Aaron spent his pocket money on.

- End of  flashback -

I must have zoned out because the next thing I remember was my name being said over and over again "huh, what" I say confused seeing Victoria sitting in front of me "I asked if you were alright" she says "I think you zoned out* she then says

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking" I say as dad comes sits next to me, "I've got to go" I say to Vic before getting up from where I was sat and going over to sit on the opposite side of the woolpack, I sigh softly to myself

- flashback -

It was the day after my 5th birthday, Aaron was out and in the house was only me and dad, I wasn't feeling well so I was curled up on my bed when dad comes in, he looked angry And I was scared, why was he angry at me. I hadn't done anything wrong.

He came up to me and said it was all a game, it was just for fun. I didn't know what was going on. I just let him do what he wanted I didn't think it was anything bad, I was only 5 what else I meant to do.

Soon he left and I just cried. I wanted my older brother. I hurt but I didn't know what went on. I just hid under my blankets and cried hugging my two teddys and crying my heart of, I was confused about what had happened.

- end of flashback -

The second flashback hit me hard. I was on my phone when the person coming to fit my tag came in. We went out back, by we I mean  me, mum and Aaron. I made dad stay out in the bar and Aaron backed me up,

I soon had the tag fitted and told my curfew was 6am to 6pm. I wasn't allowed to leave the pub between them times. I sighed and they left. I was on this tag for a year and I was never allowed back to school, no school would want me after my accident.

The rest of the night I stayed out back I was fiddling with the tag. It felt really uncomfortable but I guess it will until I get used to it

Ava Livesy An Emmerdale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now