The perfect time

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Ava's pov

Your probably wondering who this mystery man is well he is Ross. Yes the Ross who's has a baby with Charity and who's been with Debbie and loads of others but he had different side, the side which none else's sees. The sweet and sensitive side.

Ross drove the car to the hotel and boy was it amazing. I didn't care about the age gap all I cared about was how perfect the night was going to be. He parked the car and came and opened my door for me to get out.

I get out the car and Ross takes my hand, the pair of us walk inside and to the restaurant the waiter shows us to our table which was candle lit and was breath taking "what drinks can I get you" the waiter asks us and I think for a moment.

"Just a Coke please" I say to him and Ross orders the same the waiter goes and gets our drinks "you know,  I've waited for ages for us to be able to be alone together" Ross says making me blush for some unknown reason. "Your blushing" he points out.

"Thank you captain obvious" I giggle making Ross laugh a bit more, the waiter brings out drinks to us and we say thanks. "So what do you fancy?" Ross asks me and I bite my lip looking at him

"Theirs one thing I quite fancy" I say with a small smirk "and that is" he laughs "I'll let you figure it out yourself" I smirk again and he clicks to what I was thinking "maybe if your lucky, we might get a room tonight" Ross smirks as do I. "Are you ready to order?" The waiter asks us and we nod.

"I'll have the spaghetti and meatballs" I nod and Ross orders a steak and kidney pie and then the waiter goes to and tells the chef. Me and Ross talk until our food comes and I just couldn't help but smile. This seemed to go well it felt So perfect.

While eating we laugh and talk and just seemed to have fun. Once we were done Ross asked if I wanted a dessert "I think we could do much better" I joke, I may only be 15 but I am such a flirt. "I think we could too" he jokes back.

Ross pays the bill and we go to get a room. We get a room and get the lift to the floor and walk to our room. We get into our room and Ross pushed me up against the door kissing me passionately and I obviously kiss back.

Through the kiss I smile as Ross places his hands against my chest still kissing me. I pull away "shall we take this to the bedroom" I tease with a giggle and he smirks which makes my heart ment. "Whatever you want gorgeous" Ross says with a grin on his face.

I grin aswell as we make our way to the bedroom. I bite my lip with a smile, none knows how long I've wanted to be with Ross "your beautiful when you blush" Ross tells me with a smile and it makes me blush even more "thanks but I'm not beautiful" I say smiling.

Once we were in the bedroom we begin kissing more and I strip down into my underwear to give Ross a show. "Like what you see?" I say with a smile and Ross smirks at me and nods. He takes his top off and his trousers so he was just in his boxers.

"Your such a tease" I joke with him and he smirks before kissing me and we were both lying on the bed with him on top of me. Just being with Ross took my mind off everything that's going on at the moment.

"Let me just text mum and tell her I'm with a friend" I say biting my lip before picking my phone up "is that all I am to you" Ross jokes and I giggle "you know your much more than that" I say while texting mum saying I was with a friend.

Once I had text mum I put my phone on silent before putting it down and me and Ross get back to having fun.  Soon one thing left to another. Me and Ross were soon both in bed naked and I had to admit he was the best.

Soon we both ended up snuggled up next to each other naked in the double bed. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep in the warm embrace of Ross's body.

- The next morning-

The next morning I wake up still in Ross's embrace. I turn my head to see he was still asleep.

I stayed lying on the bed with my head in the crease of Ross's neck before I felt him stir "morning gorgeous" I hear Ross say in his morning voice and boy was it sexy. "Morning handsome" I say and kissing him deeply.

We were both still not wearing anything and still close together "we should start heading back"Ross says to me and I agree with him "but first" I say smirking "first what?" He asks seeing my smirk "kiss me" I say smirking and Ross kisses my neck making me moan softly. We soon stopped and both got out of bed.

I get dressed into my clothes from last night before going to the bathroom to wash my face. Soon I was ready and so was Ross. We head to the lobby of the hotel and Ross pays for the room before we leave and go to his car.

"Last night was amazing" I say as we sit in the car home. "It was even better because I was with you" Ross says leaning over in his car and kisses me making me blush "what will we do if mum or Aaron finds out" I say nurvesly

"We will cover that when we get to it" Ross says smiling. I have to admit his sensitive side is just as sexy as his bad boy side. We pull up st the village and none was about so I get out saying I'll text him later.

I go home and go in the back of the woolpack. I go up to my room and change into a simple pair of jogging bottoms and a tank top before going to the front and coming in the door. "Have a good night?" Mum asks and I nod smiling.

Victoria looks over to me suspiciously like she thinks I was up to something, well I kinda was but that's not important. I felt so bad for lying to mum but she wouldn't approve of me and Ross, to be honest none would approve of us.


Well that's it for this chapter
I forgot to mention in the last chapter the idea was given me by  honey_mist_auburn
So go check out her story's you will not regret it.
So who expected Ava and Ross

I've got a few questions for you all

- Do you think Ava and Ross will get caught?

- What do you think people will say when/ if they find out?

- What do you think should happen with Ava and Ross's relationships

- do you think Ava and Ross suit each other


- would you like to see more of Ross's sweet and sensitive side

Comment the answers to the questions ❤️

Hope you enjoyed


Jess xx

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