Chas stabs Diane

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Sorry for such a long wait, I've had terrible mental block.
Plus I've been having trouble with college and still have a broken arm.
I'm going to be trying to update more often now
And sorry for it being so short I just needed to get a chapter up,
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Jess xx

Ava's PoV

It's been a few weeks since Ella's funeral and I still haven't got over it. Mums been unwell lately, she thinks Emma is stalking her. It's been like it for a couple of weeks now, since Roberts shooting well actually it's been months but mum has been unwell since then. Yesterday mum had a panic attack, I helped her as well as Emma and uncle Cain. Obviously I knew the signs because I suffer from them. I went downstairs to see how mum was doing after her panic Attack, she said she was fine but I could tell something was wrong. I went back to my room and say by my window watching the world go by. After s while I get up and head to the bathroom while getting dressed into some black skinny jeans and a black crop top. I slip on my black Lee coopers and throw on a hoodie before leaving my phone on my bed and leaving my room and heading out.

I leave through the pub and go to David's and buy a bunch of flowers and paying before heading to Ella's graveside, "Hi princess, its mummy again, I've missed you" I say kneeling down putting the beautiful cream and red roses down on her grave, "I don't know how I'm coping without you Elepheteria, I may have only held you twice but you were, no you are my baby girl" I say going and sitting by her head stone. "Mummy will never forget you princess Elepheteria" I say letting a tear rolls down my cheek, I sit by her head stone in silence, only noise was the birds chirping. It was getting dark so I thought I should have gone home "mummy will be back princess" I say before wiping my eyes and heading home. I walk through the doors and past everyone going straight to my room. I was sat on my bed thinking about what things would be like if Elepheteria didn't die.

A few hours later it must have been around 11 now because the pub was now closed I heard footsteps downstairs which was strange, soon everything was quite which I found strange. I slip on my cream boot slippers on and my pink fluffy dressing gown on and head down stairs I walk through the living room and see Diane sitting on the floor bleeding. Mum was standing in shock, I don't think she knew what she was doing. Uncle Cain comes and mum runs off with him following. I knelt down keeping pressure on the wound. Soon an ambulance comes with police. They take Diane to hospital and the police ask me what happened "I was in my room when I heard footsteps and then it all went quite so I thought to come and investigate and I found Diane like she was, I don't know I who did it" I say which was a lie, I knew it was mum but I wasn't going to snitch on her, even if it was serious

Sorry it's short it kinda a filler
Jess xx

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