Elepheteria's funural

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Ava's PoV

It's been a week since I lost my princess and today is her funeral. In the past week mums been stalked by Emma, well that's what she thinks, I've been arrested for assaulting Emma but they didn't have enough evidence. I was sat on my bed with Ella's (Elepheteria) hand and foot print, I couldn't deal with it, I've still not spoken after the day I attacked Emma. I got out of bed and got changed into my black skinny jeans and my black tank top before adding a cardigan and my shoes. The time was getting closer.


I was down stairs now, Diane and mum have closed the bar until later, mums not been herself lately but she said she would still come to Elepheteria's funural. "Ready" mum asks and I shake my head. Aaron was already at the church. It was only going to be family at Ella's funural because she was only a day old and only family got to meet her, well other than Victoria and Diane they met her too. Mum took my left hand and Diane took my right "you have us both here" they say at the same time as we begin to leave the woolpack, we walk to the church and I see Ella's coffin outside in the car. Ashley was doing the service. I didn't want to go any further, I stood with tears in my eyes, "Ava it will be alright, you gave us all" mum says and I walk with them, not really wanting to say goodbye everyone waits to go in and Ashley nods over to me and I look back and nod say lets go. Aaron picks up Elepheteria's coffin and we begin to walk in, we take our seats and I stare blankly at the coffin. It was my turn to say something so I walk up and stand on the stand.

"People say it would get easier but so far it hasn't, I know youve gone for just over a week but your everything to me and you always will be, you never got to know me and I'll never get you know you. Elepheteria meant the world to me, even though I only got to hold her twice  she was my perfect angel and when she died I was holding her. Ella I love you baby girl, your never going to be forgotten your always going to be in my heart and mind, rest in peace princess" I say holding tears back. After the funeral we went out to bury Her. We're getting a head stone soon but not at the moment because it hasn't came yet. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust (I can't remember how the rest goes)" Ashley says and i put my head I go mums shoulder before sobbing. Elepheteria was soon layed to rest and we all went back to the woolpack.I don't know how to celebrate the life of Ella when she wasn't even that old. We were all talking, well they were and I was just sat alone.


Sorry it's short.

I wanted to get this done so I can do the Chas storyline.

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