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Ava's POV

I have been locked up for a day now, I'm sharing a cell with Charity and this other person. Charity has been trying to make me feel comfortable but I'm literally really scared. I was sat cross legged on my bunk which is the one above Charity's.

I've not moved since I was put in here. I wanted mum and Aaron. I kept see Ella, she's crying. But for can't be their she's dead. It was now visiting time and charity had Debbie coming to visit so I would be left with Jenna our other cell mate.

In the cell I was sat hugging my knees. I saw Ella's crying face and it felt so real "el please don't cry, mummy misses you too" I whisper as Jenna stands from across the room. "Nones here so stop talking to yourself" Jenna says harshly walking over and standing looking up at me.

"You stupid talking to your self, who are you talking to anyway" Jenna says and I ignore her "talk to me and get down from their" Jenna says and I shake my head, shaking my head only make Jenna drag me from my bunk

"It's rude to ignore people, didn't your mummy and daddy ever teach you that" Jenna spat in my face "sorry" I mumble and she attacked me. I climb back to my bunk and cry silently. Thinking about anything and everything. I couldn't stop seeing Ella's face and it hurt, my head is all over the place.

Charity walks back into the cell and sees me crying and she asks me what Happened so I explained.


I know this chapter is short o just don't know what to write. But the next chapter will be better

Jess xx

Ava Livesy An Emmerdale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now