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Ava's POV

Mums making me sit in the bar for the day so I'm going to be bored, I was sat on a stool tapping on the side. Two police men walk into the woolpack and over to the bar "is Their an Avery Livesy here?" They ask mum and she looks over to me. "Miss Livesy we would like to ask you some question about the accident which occurred this morning" he says and I nod "well I wasn't thinking straight so I ran out of here and didn't look where I was going I ran into the road and the next thing I remember was being in the floor, it was my fault I shouldn't have ran out, don't blame Andy" I say as evreything becomes blurry, I rub my eyes and evreything was normal again "Ava are you okay" mum asks and I nod, "okay thank you Avery, if we need any more questions or information we will be back and if anything comes back here's our number" they say before walking away.  "Can I go to my room please" I ask mum and she shakes her head "Ava you heard the doctors you need to have supervisor for a couple of days" mum says and I role my eyes. Uncle Cain walks in and stands next to me, "how you doing" he asks me and I raise an eyebrow "well I'm good, just mum won't let me go to my room" I say folding my arms. Uncle Cain says something to mum and looks at me "your going to be staying round mine and Morias tonight so go and get your over night bag" he says to me and I go to my room, I pack my bag and put my phone and purse in their to, I walked back down stairs and straight past uncle Cain "Avery where are you going" mum asks me "making I all better for everyone and leaving, it's obvious none wants me and with this baby I'm a burden on everyone" I say walking out of the doors

Cains POV

Ava had just walked out after getting her bag, she said she was a burden on us and then she walked out, "I'll call Moria to get her to stop Ava if she sees her" I tell my sister Chas. I pick up my phone and dial Morias number and wait for her to answer. After speeking to Moria I hang up and Chas calls Debbie, Aaron and the rest of the family. "I'm sure she'll be alright" I reasure Chas and she looks like it's her fault. "It's not your fault sis, it's probably her hormones why she's like this* I tell her going round and giving her a hug.

Ava's POV

I didn't want to be watched all the time because of a accident and because of the baby, I'm just a burden. After I left the Woolpack I walked out of the village, first I went to the stables to say bye to my horse. On the way out of the stables I was stopped by Moria "Ava your coming back to mine" she says grabbing my arm "no I'm not, you can't make me" I say trying to pull my arm free "Avery your uncle said that you were running away so your coming back to mine" she says making me got it the car and get in I fold my arms and sit their not putting my belt on "hi Cain, I've got Avery, she was down the stables I'm taking her back to ours" Moria says on the phone before hanging up "put your belt on Avery" she says sternly and I role my eyes and do as she tells me, she starts the car and then drives back to hers. I get out and follow her inside. As we get inside evreything becomes blurry and then the next minute it was all dark. I guess after an hour I woke up on the sofa at Morias and uncle Cains I went to sit up but my head hurt too much "don't move, the paramedics said you need to rest" uncle Cain tells me "can I have some water please" I say yawning, and Moria comes into the lounge with a glass of water "thank you" I say softly "right you get some rest" they tell me and I yawn before dropping off to sleep.

Ava Livesy An Emmerdale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now