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I would have posted this sooner but I completely forgot 😂 it was ment to be posted like 2 weeks ago but I wanted it to be posted with the next chapter so here we go

• Chas has Been in the mental ward (can't spell the actual word) while in the Ward Ava has been Getting in trouble and has been excluded from school for causing a fire in her science lesson and for attaking a girl

• Ava has blocked Evreyone out once again, she goes to Ella's grave evreyday from when she wakes up untill it's dark.

• Aaron trys to get Ava to talk to him but she won't talk to him so he contacts Mitch and he try's but Mitch can't either

• Ava has been arrested for the fire at the school and she won't let anyone visit. She's been in their for a few weeks and is finally being released on Bail

That's all ❤️

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