Leaving the Village

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Ava's PoV

The day had soon came that me and Ross were leaving the village, we weren't leaving for good, just until the twins are born, I got up early this morning and my outfit for today out  and I got my suitcase which I hid out.

I got dressed into my outfit which was just some plain black leggings a long sleeved white top  my ugg boots, a black scalf and my black bracelets. I soon was ready after I had brushed my hair and left it down. I looked down and saw my bump had grown in the last few days.

Once I was ready I look at my phone and see it was 5:30 and Ross said he would be here by 6 so I look out the window just as he pulls up at the back off the woolpack

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Once I was ready I look at my phone and see it was 5:30 and Ross said he would be here by 6 so I look out the window just as he pulls up at the back off the woolpack

I throw my hair brush into my bagpack with all my maturity things, my make up bag and my extra phone cases. My charges and electronics were in my suitcase. I creep downstairs quitely carrying my suitcase and bagpack. I open the door and go outside shutting it once more

Ross got out the now parked car and helps me with the suitcase "ready to go" he asks me and I nod with a smile "as I'll ever be" I say smiling. I get into the car and see Moses asleep in his travels seat and couldn't help but think to myself about our babies.

The car ride was fun with me and Ross joking about, listening to music, talking and me just singing to songs which come onto the radio. Ross and I laugh slightly and I smile. We soon pull up to a cottage "here is the place I've rented for us" Ross says

I look at him and smile, "this place is amazing and theirs even a hospital near by" I say and Ross unlocks the front door before getting the suitcases out the car, I take Moses inside and he smiles "do you like this place little man?" I as him and he giggles.

Ross puts the suitcase by the door and sees me with Moses "your so good with him, better than charity" Ross says to me and I smile "don't let charity here you say that" I joke and he laughs "what will she say she she realises you've left with her son" I ask my sexy boyfriend "well theirs nothing she can do or say, as long as Moses is safe then theirs nothing to worry about" Ross reassures me and I nod. "Now should we unpack first of go to the beach" Ross  asks me and I look to Moses

"Should we go to the beach" i ask a smiling Moses and he claps his hands "well I guess that's your answer, we're going to the beach" I say i Ross and he laughs at me "oi don't laugh at me" I say laughing myself.

Me and Ross leave Evreything in the cottage and we leave and head down to the beach, it was peaceful as it was only 9:30 in the morning. We walked town the the beach and sat on the sand, Moses was playing with the sand and I smiled as I watched him. "I think he likes it here" Ross says to me and I nod in agreement

This was going to be our life for the next couple of months


Well sorry guys the book ends here but don't worry I'm going to be writing a sequel

That's it for now


Jess xx

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