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It was Christmas Eve and Joan had the idea to get a gift for everyone in the cast of they play they just did. That includes Renèe, Marcia, Noelle, Kris, and Isaiah.
Oh how Isaiah made Joan mad, but not for the reasons you think.
Joan had liked Isaiah for the past year and he doesn't know she exists. She was his partner for a history project and that lasted for two months. And still nothing. Nothing. So she thought that if she gets him a really good present he will remember her.
Like three weeks she goes to the mall and picks out things. She got Noelle a new shirt, she got Marcia a Slytherin sweatshirt and she got Renèe and her boyfriend, Kris, matching relationship hoodies. But she couldn't find one that would make him remember her.
A couple days before Christmas she was looking around the mall at every single store and that's when she knew what to give him.
She hurried home and wrapped everything. Joan couldn't wait.

The entire cast was at the Christmas party. Noelle was flirting with Gina. Marcia was reading Harry Potter (as usual). Kris and Renèe were laughing and tickling each other and there was Isaiah. In the corner alone.
"PRESENT TIME!" Joan yelled.
Everyone shut up because you know. Everyone like presents.
Kris and Renèe handed there's out first. Renèe got Kris a new guitar since his old one broke and Kris got Renèe a promise ring. It was cute as fuck.
And Joan got a TØP shirt from them.
Then everyone else handed out their stuff.
It was now Joan's turn.
She gave her friends all of the things.
"Wow thanks Joan." Said Marcia.
"This is fucking cool." Noelle said.
"Thank you so much Joan we really appreciate it." Said Renèe and Kris thanking her.
"What about me?" Isaiah asked.
"Oh sorry, hold on." Joan says taking a box out of her pocket.
"Close your eyes and hold out your hands" She said as she walked closer towards him.
He did as he was told.
Joan opened the box, it was mistletoe.
Everyone gasped as she took it out of the box and placed it above their heads.
She closed her eyes and kissed him.
That's how Joan and Isaiah ended up getting married on Christmas Day a few years later.

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