The truth

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Renée Renfer confirmed dead.

Those were the words that Joan dreaded to hear.
Renée was hit by a car running away from home at 9:30 pm on a Friday night, a couple days after the school play.
For almost 3 weeks she was in a coma.
This morning they found her dead.
Joan's best friend was gone. For good.

Tomorrow was the first day at school since the announcement of the death. Joan wasn't ready to face everyone.
But she had too.

Next morning at school.
Joan woke up and put on one of Renée's old shirts that Renée's mom had given to her.
As she walked on the bus it was different.
It wasn't as loud as usual. Everyone was sort of quiet. Everyone knew Renée. Either she was friends with them or she had complemented them or she is hated by them. Everyone knew her. And everyone was sad she was gone.

Joan walked into class and sat down. She looked around at familiar faces and she saw sadness, anger, regret, guilt in all of them. Joan felt the same. She almost felt responsible. But deep down she knew that it wasn't her fault. It wasn't the drivers either.
It was Renée's own fault. Joan thought to herself. But her thoughts were cut off by The Principals voice on the news.
"Hello Golf Middle School, I'm sad to say that Renée Renfer has passed away. She was a good student, a great actress but an even better friend. She will always be remembered. There is going to be an assembly on Friday is remembrance of Renée so we will be on a incentive schedule."  The middle aged principal said as he walked out of frame.
Joan honestly didn't care about the rest of the news she just wanted to get through her day so she could go home.

As the day winded to an end Joan was just ready to go home. Joan wanted nothing more to go into her bed, got to sleep and hopefully never wake up.
As she was walking out of the school she was stopped by the principal.

"Hello Miss Daniels, I need to talk to you." The Principal said with sadness in his eyes.

"Yes? Am I in trouble?" Joan questioned.

"No not at all. I was wondering if you would be willing to say something about Renée at the ceremony on Friday. It would mean a lot." He was pretty much begging.

"Sure." She said now walking away from the middle aged man, tears forming at her eyes.

Joan was laying in bed on Thursday night think about what she should do. She wrote a speech about Renée and how amazing she was. But it felt wrong. It felt wrong for everyone not knowing what actually happened that night.
I know what happened and no one else does. Joan thought to herself.
After thinking about it enough she decided what to do.

Friday, the ceremony. Everyone was dressed in black, the color Renée usually wore.
The Principal said a few words about her and how great she was and how she always made sure to do her school work.
Then Renée's specific friends one by one went up there and said a few words.
Kris. Marcia. Aden. Isaiah. Allan. Even Annie and Ellie, which angered Joan.
Then it was Joan's turn.

"H-hi um, I'm Joan Daniels, Renée's best friend." Joan pulled out her piece of paper and was about to speak, but she knew what she was doing was wrong. Joan knew she had to tell the truth. So Joan ripped the piece of paper in half and restarted.

"I'm Joan and I know you all think Renée was hit by a car b-but your wrong. She jumped in front of the car. The night of her getting 'hit' she texted me this,"

Hi Joan, I ran away from home, but you know that, and you probably won't ever see me again. I know I always talk about killing myself but this time it's different. I'm going to do it this time. So please when everyone finds out, tell them I was hit by a car, even though I jumped in front of it. But I want you tell a few people a couple of things.
Tell Kris that I love him so much, he was my best friend. He always made me feel better no matter what. And tell him I'm sorry for getting my tears all over his jackets and shirts on multiple occasions.

By now Joan and everyone else was crying.

Tell Marcia that she was my Slytherin princess and that she was so beautiful and she always made me laugh and I always felt better with her hugs.
Tell Annie that I still love her but she is one of the reasons I'm gone, the night we got into our fight she told me that no one really cared about me and I believed it.
So tell Annie that I hope she has a great life.
And tell Aden that I really was in love with him, I regret never telling him but at least I can spare the embarrassment and tell him that I said thank you for always making me laugh and by the way James and Michael are still better than any other YouTuber.
Tell Isaiah and Allan that they are really funny and talented and that I know they're dating.
And tell the cast of Hairspray that I love every single one of them and that they always made me laugh at my worst.
So goodbye. And remember don't mourn over my death, celebrate the time I lived.
I'm sorry.

Joan finished and everyone was either in shock, crying or both.

The ceremony was over and everyone that was mentioned was called to the principals office.

"Hello, I'm sorry for your loss but I need you to tell me something. Did any of you, besides Joan, know about her suicide attempt?" He asked.
No one knew. Only Aden knew she ran away but that was it.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for wasting your time." He said rubbing his temples.

Everyone left the office and kind of just stared at each other.

"This is your fault Annie! You're the one who told her no one would care about her!" Marcia yelled at her. And everyone was surprised by it.

"How dare you tell her that, I loved her!" Aden yelled and he was again surprised by his own words.
"I loved her." He whispered to himself.

"ANNIE THIS IS ALL OF YOUR FAULT!" Marcia yelled again.

"No, it's not."

Everyone stopped.

That was a voice no one though they would hear again. They all turned around to see her.

It was Renée.

To Be Continued...

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