Hit by a car

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Joan, a 28 year old lawyer was walking to her favorite ice cream place to meet her friend Renèe. But all she remembers was walking across the street and everything went black.
Joan woke up but not in her bed she was in a hospital bed and sitting across from her was not her best friend it was some lady she has never seen before, a very beautiful lady.
"Thank goodness, you're awake." The lady said with relief in her voice.

"Um what the hell happened? Why am I here? And who are you?" Joan asked wanting to get answers.

"Okay well you were walking across the street and I was speeding and not looking and I kind of sorta hit you, but obviously not that hard because you're alive and I'm Camerion." The beautiful lady said.

"Oh? Why were you speeding?" Joan asked.

"Oh I was heading to my daughters basketball game from work and I was late and I just can't miss it." Camerion said.

"Can't your husband go to the game and record it or something?" Joan said but as soon as she saw Camerion tense up she felt bad immediately.

"Sorry." Joan apologized.

"No no it's okay, me and my husband are divorced after he found out about my um affair." Camerion said smiling to herself.

"Wow a soccer mom had an affair, with whom?" Joan asked needing to know the juicy details.

"My daughters best friends mom. And I'm not just a soccer mom, my 4 kids do all sorts of stuff." Camerion said laughing to herself.

"Damn Camerion you have a lot going on. So like are you gay or just experimenting?"

"Well yes and no, I've had feelings for women before, well I didn't know what those feeling were until I tried them with Carol." Camerion said.

"Wow. Well that's nice but um can I leave I have to meet my best friend and then I have a date, so I gotta go." Joan said getting out of bed.

"Oh yeah sorry to keep you. I will get the nurse, again sorry about hitting you with my- oh my god." Camerion stopped herself.

"I never asked you for your name I'm sorry."

"I'm Joan, and it's okay about the whole car thing, now I have a cool story to tell to my date." Joan said shaking hands with Camerion.

"Well that man is a very lucky one." Camerion saying looking at the floor.

"Woman actually." Joan corrected her.
Camerions head shot right up and smiled.

"Well if that date doesn't go well here's my number." She said as she wrote down 10 numbers on a piece of paper she found in her purse and after she handed the paper to the lawyer she walked out winking.

And all Joan could think was, I'm so happy I was hit by that car.

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