Hogwarts part 1

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Joan Daniels and Renèe Renfer. Childhood friends. Both witches. Both going to Hogwarts. So Joan and Renèe were on platform 9 3/4, now most students were going to miss there families. Renèe and Joan. Not so much. Neither of the girls stand their stepfathers. But thankfully they get to get away for 9 months. It was great. So Renèe and Joan got on the train and went to the only empty compartment they could find and sat across from each other.

"So you nervous?" Joan asked the brunette girl in front of her.


"Getting sorted into your house?" Joan said asking like it was common sense.

"I mean I guess so. Are you?" Renèe asked her friend.

"Hell yeah! What house do you NOT want to get sorted in?"

"Slytherin I suppose, I mean it has all of the bad people, and I don't want to be seen as mean, because I'm not." Renèe said.

"Slytherin isn't that bad, I mean a lot good people were in Slytherin." Joan said trying to make Renèe not feel bad.

"Who?" Renèe questioned.

Joan was silent, she was about to open her mouth when two boys knocked on the door to come in.

"Hi, I'm Louis and this is Anthony. The other compartments were full. Could we join you guys." The tall one asked.

"Y-yeah of course." Joan said blushing as the Louis sat next to her.

"I'm Renèe, and this is Joan." Renèe said to the black haired boy next to her.

There was an awkward silence until the Anthony boy spoke up.

"So what's your blood status? NOT THAT I CARE, just curious." He said.

"Oh I'm pure-blood. But you knew that." Louis said.

"Half-blood." Anthony said.

"Same with him." Renèe said pointing at Anthony.

"I'm Pure-blood." Joan said.

"Cool so what houses do you want to get sorted in?" Louis asked the others.

"Um Ravenclaw I suppose, I just want to prove I'm smart." Joan said.

"Gryffindor. Just 'cuz you know it's Gryffindor." Renèe said.

"Slytherin for me. I want to show it doesn't have a bad rep." Anthony said.

"Hufflepuff actually, and kind of the same reason for Anthony." Louis said.

"So we all wanna be in different houses?" Renèe asked.

"Yeah I suppose." Joan said.

"That sucks we just made two new friends and we're probably not even gonna be in the same house as them, what a shame." Louis said.

"THE POOR GROOMS BRIDE IS A WHORE." Renèe and Joan sang together and laughed about it. Right then the train stopped at Hogwarts.

"Well let's go new besties." Louis said getting up and the three followed.

I got lazy

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