Dear Diary

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Normal- Louis
Dear Diary,
   So this is my first entry and I don't really know how to do this. My therapist said it was either this or some other type of institution. I chose the diary. I seriously have no idea how to do this, do I just write down my feelings? I guess cuz that's what I'm gonna do. So right now I'm okay. Yeah so yeah.

Dear Diary,
  So this is my 100th entry and I'm very glad Renèe gave this to me to write in. It seriously helps, a lot. Anyway so you recently found out I'm going to Renée's school next year. I'm so fucking happy and you have no idea how excited I am to be seeing my bitch everyday and I get to meet new babes. Only 2 days until school. Fuck only two days. FUCK
        JOAN xx

Dear Diary thing,
   Todays the first day of school and it went okay I guess I mean I like all my classes and I saw all my friends. But I have this one girl in every single one of my classes. She seems cool I guess. But football tryouts are soon. I'm gonna be the senior star this year.
  - Louis

Dear Diary,
   First day of school went alright. Sadly nobody jumped on a lunch table and sang about how they were breaking out of the "status quo" so that's a little bit disappointing. All my classes are good though. Lots of supplies though, Honors classes am I right? Anyway the kids in my class seem cool especially one in my English class, Ryan he's super cute and funny. I have Renèe and 4 of my classes and this one guy in every single one of them. I really like it so far, let's not jinx it.
      JOAN xx

Dear Diary,
   Today was basket ball tryouts and I really hope I made the team. I think I did good. I mean of course I did good and of course I made the team but did I play good enough to become captain? Who knows? But today in science/bio whatever me and that girl had to be partners. She's really weird but in a good way. Although I still don't know her name. Let's guess I'm gonna go with like Isabelle or something.

Dear Diary,
    Okay so today was a little different. I was really struggling with all these new things. My classes are so far from each other. I'm hungry like all day cuz school food sucks sweaty balls. And Renèe is home with the flu. I'm gonna see her tonight though, I'm probs gonna sleep over cuz why not.  And the list for the basketball team comes out tomorrow and I'm sure Renèe wants to know if either Aden, Anthony or Joseph got on the team. I'm sure they all did though I've talked to all of them at least once they seem cool. But I want to see if that tall kid made it. My science partner. I hope he does.
     JOAN xx

Dear Diary,
   I made the fucking basket ball team!! Yes yes yes. I knew it! MR. PLATINUM! I'm so happy, even that cool new girl congratulated me. Still don't know her fucking name. I really like her. I want to know her name. I should just look at her paper next time.

Dear Diary,
So today Louis, I found out his name, supposedly tried cheating off me, I didn't think he did. And I was right, after class he told me he just wanted to find out my name and then he asked me if we could hang out sometime. I said yes and Renèe flipped out. And I have some bad news I only have 1 page left after this. So I'm going to save it for a very very VERY special occasion. So until that very special occasion, see you later.
   JOAN xx

Dear Diary,
So today me and Joan went on a date and it was amazing, she kissed me she actually kissed me. I was so happy. But my therapist said I've gotten a lot better and I don't have to write anymore, maybe I will. But until next time.

Dear Diary,
Today's that special occasion. Today is that day that could top no other day. My wedding day. For as long as we were dating I always wondered if he truly loves me. And I knew as soon as he said "I do" .
    JOAN xx

Dear Diary,
I married the girl of my dreams and I couldn't be any more happier than I am right now. I love her so much and saying "I do" we're the best two words I could have ever said.

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