Monster Dance

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"You've got to be kidding me." Joan said looking at the complete cast list. 

See, Joan had gotten the lead, well one of them, Ms. Stern. Her best friend had gotten one of the girls at the prom, Pepper. And her ex who she "hated" was Ms. Sterns love interest. 

"It's not that bad. I mean now maybe you guys can rekindle your old feelings for each other, honestly I hope something happens because I'm tired of hearing you two talk shit about each other." Renee said to her friend.

"Well, whatever, I'll just get through it." Joan said, even though she acted like she couldn't stand being around Adrian, but honestly she couldn't wait, she lived for being petty, but also because she just honestly missed him.


"Alright you guys, now it's our first meeting so I'm going to go over a few rules/things that are going to happen with this musical. First off, no technology back stage, no girlfriends/boyfriends are aloud to come into rehearsal, no-" And he kept talking about all of the ridiculous rules that he had decided to make and Joan wasn't listening, she was busy playing some game on her phone. Although Joan did decide to listen when her characters name was mentioned.

"Now this last one goes for Ms. Strict and Edward-" That was Adrians character.  "- since you guys have dated before, I'm sure you're okay with kissing because I don't want and 'stage kisses' in our rendition of Monster Dance!" And that was the end of his little speech. The rehearsal went on and they were supposed to be running lines but Renee and Joan were talking about the "catastrophe" Joan was in.

"Joan, its not bad, you just have to kiss, that's it." Renee knew that her best friend still had feeling for Adrian and Renee thinks Adrian likes Joan as well. 

"Renee, lets say that Keith joined the production-" 

"He wouldn't." 

"OKAY, well lets just say that he did and you guys were in the same situation, you'd feel the EXACT same way I do." Joan said like she made a point.

"Oh you mean I'd be acting like kissing my ex would be the worst thing ever but on the inside I'd be hyped? Then yeah, I'd feel exactly how you do." Renee said crossing her arms like a bad ass.  

"Oh shut up."


So the rehearsals went on and their director didn't want  to spoil "the magic" of the kiss so every time they got right up to it, he stopped it. They were now a week away from the show, and the nerves were setting deep in. Especially with Joan. 

"Dude, I'm gonna fuck up and ruin the entire show, why did he cast me?"  Renee tried to calm her down but nothing seemed to work. 

"Joan don't worry about it, you're really good." It wasn't Renee saying that, it was Adrian. Joan immediately stopped complaining and looked at the tall boy very shocked.

"Oh thank you, you too." Joan knew she was blushing and tried to hide it by coughing, but she knew it wouldn't work. But she didn't need it to work because he walked away before he could even notice how red she was.

"Well I don't think you have anything to worry about. Adrian said something nice to you, and he wasn't just being nice either, he meant it. I mean Adrian said something nice." Renee said flabbergasted.

"Yeah, he did." Joan couldn't contain her smile.


So far opening night has gone great, everything was going well, no one has died (in real life anyway), no lines were missed, none of the songs sounded absolutely horrible. But now it was time for Joan and Adrians song. Joan was terrified and Adrian wasn't so calm either. But it starts and boy there is so much chemistry like a lot. And the kiss was coming.

Adrian said his line and it happened.

Their lips touched but they kept going and no one knew if it was because if their feelings were all pouring out in the kiss or it was because the script said, AND THEY KISS PASSIONATELY, but either way the kiss made the entire show. And lets just say there was a new/old couple at their school.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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