Hairspray Part 3 *Renèe Night*

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"You ready?" Joan said to her best friend, who was preforming tonight.
"No I'm going to fuck up. I don't know why I went through with this." Renèe said to her friend who was trying to console her.
Tonight was their play Hairspray, and Renèe was the lead. She had been practicing for the past four months and she was actually quite good, but she still felt like she sucked.
And knowing Renèe she started crying twenty minutes before she had to go on.
"No no don't cry you have this. Okay? No crying please." Joan then shot up straight, and that's because she has an idea.
"Hold on." Joan said as she walked away.
Joan started walking towards Isaiah.
"Hey do you know where Anthony is?" She asked the boy she was in love with.
"Yeah he's over there, why?" He asked the beautiful actress.
"Well Renèe is crying so I'm seeing if Anthony will talk to her it might calm her down." She said.
"Oh okay." Isaiah said really confused by girl drama.
"Thanks." Joan said to him.

Renèe was still quietly sobbing.
"She's over there." Joan said, although Renèe didn't look up to see who she was talking to.
"Hey are you okay?" She knew that voice. That was the voice of the boy she always dreamed about, that's the voice of the guy that never looked at her, that's the voice of the boy she would be kissing tonight.
Renèe looked up and saw Anthony.
"No." She said wiping her tears.
"You want to talk about it?" He asked her.
"You actually want to talk to me about my problems?" She said to the teenage boy.
"Yeah, I care about you. Want to go out in the hallway?" He asks.
She nods her head as she follows him into the hallway.
He sits down, back against the white wall. Renèe sits down next to him.
"So what's wrong?" He asks the actress.
"I'm so scared. I'm going to mess up my songs and forget my lines, I'm going to get laughed at. And you just-" She was caught off by Anthony hugging her. She hugged him back. They say there for a minuet as Renèe cried on shoulder. 
Anthony eventually pulled away. Renèe looked at his shoulder where she was crying and saw it was wet from her tears.
"I'm sorry about your shirt." She laughed a little and wiped her tears  off her cheeks.
"Okay one, don't worry about it. Two, your an amazing singer and actress you're going to do fine. Don't worry about it." Anthony said reassuring her.
"I'm also just really nervous, you know we have to - Um- kiss." Renèe said looking away and blushing really hard.
Then all of a sudden Anthony turned Renèe's face towards his and he leaned in.
Renèe knew what was coming but she was so shocked and stunned she didn't know what to do so she just closed her eyes and that's when it happened.
Anthony's lips were on hers. She didn't know what to do so she let him do the "work". The kiss lasted 5 seconds, oh but it felt like a life time for the young girl.
After the five seconds they separated and looked at each other.
"Now was that so hard?" Anthony asked with red on his cheeks and a smirk across his lips.
"Shut up." The girl said as she gave his a flirty shove.
"You better now? Renèe I really care about you. You know, I was kind of wondering if you would like to go out with me?"
Renèe sat there not knowing what to say.
"Are you joking? Or are you serious?" She asked him.
"Of course I'm serious, why wouldn't I be?" He asked confused.
"Look at me, look at you, a guy like you and a girl like me together? It's ridiculous. You're so nice and really hot and then there is me a fat, ugly gross girl. It just seems unreal." She said not making eye contact.
"You're right why would a girl like you date a guy like me. I mean I'm a good looking guy and I'm talented. And you're so beautiful and you are so amazing. Why would you go out with me?" He said to the self conscious teenager.
"I would date you, I would never say no to go out with you in one million years, but my weight, it's just-"
"Perfect. Renèe I want to go out with you, no matter what you way." The young actor said to Renèe.
"So will you go out with me?"
Renèe had no words, so she just nodded her head yes. And this time she was the one to lean in.
Their lips met and it was better than the first one. This kiss was special. It was her first kiss with her first boyfriend.
They separated when they heard the hallway door open.
"Is Renèe in here, it's - Am I interrupting something?" It was Joan.
They both started laughing.
"No Joan, I'm coming don't worry." She said standing up holding out her hand for Anthony. Anthony gladly took her hand and intertwined their fingers.
Joan noticed this and being her she had to say something.
"Um did I miss something?" She said pointing her finger at their hands.
"Me and Renèe are now dating. Thanks Joan."
Joan smiled hugely and hugged both of them.
"I fucking knew it! Yes!" Joan said being really happy.
"Renèe it's time to get into places." Mr. Mason said.
"Well let's do this." She said as the butterflies came back.
"You got this babe." Anthony said t giving her a huge hug.
"Thanks, see you on stage." She said winking and getting into her place.
The curtains rose and the lights came on.
The music started and Renèe started singing.
The song was over rather quickly and the play officially started.

*the last scene*

It was the last song. This was the kiss scene. Anthony and Renèe never kissed before, in the scene anyway. Mr. Mason wanted to "save the magic until the end" so that's what they did.
The song was coming close to the end and the looked at each other, joined hands and kissed.
Everyone gasped and cheered. It was really amazing.
They separated and the curtain fell.
Everyone cheered and clapped. Even the cast. Anthony hugged his girlfriend very tight. But Renèe let go once she saw Annie walk towards her.
"Hold on." Renèe told her boyfriend.
She walked towards Annie and they stopped in the middle of the stage to talk.
"Hey Renèe."
"Hi Annie."
"I just want to apologize for being a bitch and I just want to let you know that me and Kris are dating." Annie said with a smirk.
"I'm so happy for you, that's adorable." Renèe said hugging Annie.
"Wait, you're not jealous?" Annie said in shock.
"Why would I be? I have my own boyfriend." Renèe said crossing her arms.
"WHO?" Annie said in even more disbelief.
"Hey Anthony can you come here?" Renèe called.
He left his conversation and started walking towards Renèe and Annie.
"Yeah what's up?" He asked putting his arm around the over weight actress.
"Kiss me." She told him. And he did. He leaned down and pecked her on the lips.
"Told ya." She said after they separated.
After that Annie walked away stomping her feet.
"What was that about?" Anthony asked, obviously confused.
"Nothing. You know Anthony, you're the first guy to ever call me beautiful and mean it." She said locking her hand with his.
"Well I mean it with all my heart. I'm glad your mine." He said to her.
"And I'm glad you are mine." She said as they slowly walked off stage hands intertwined.

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