Hairspray Part 4 *Joans Night*

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"So the show starts in like 30 minutes. You ready?" Renèe asked her best friend.
"No, I'm not going on." Joan said.
"What, why?" Renèe said very confused.
"Because I'm going to go on stage and everyone is going to think I'm a fat fuck. And I just want to die." Joan said, tears slowly forming at her eyes.
"Why would you think that? Who said that?"
"You promise you won't kill him?" Joan asked to make sure because knowing her best friend, she would have gotten suspended.
"I promise."
"Dustin." Joan said, tears now falling down her face.
"Okay I will be right back. Don't go anywhere!" Renèe said going to find her boyfriend.
"HAS ANYONE SEEN ANTHONY?" She yelled to the rest of the cast.
No one knew except one person.
"He is upstairs, he is really busy, why?" It was Isaiah.
"You will do." Renèe said in annoyance as she pulled Isaiah to the side by his collar.
"Ow, what the hell? Why do you need Anthony?" He said rubbing his neck in pain.
"Because I need to know where Dustin is. Right now." Renèe said.
"He's in the audience, why?"
"WHY DO YOU NEED HIM?!" Isaiah said very annoyed that he had no clue what was going on.
"I need him because he called Joan a fat fuck and now she wants to kill herself. So I want to fucking kill him." Renèe said now tears falling out of her eyes.
"He said that to her?" Isaiah said his voice now really deep and angry sounding.
Renèe nodded her head, wiping tears off of her cheeks.
"I will be back." Isaiah said walking away.
"Where are you going?" Renèe  asked him.
"You'll see." Isaiah left the stage leaving Renèe very confused.
At that moment Anthony came running down stairs.
"Hey where is Renèe?" He asked someone of the cast. He saw her back and ran over to her and turned the girl around to face her.
"Hey I heard you were- why are you crying? What happened?" He asked his tear stained girlfriend.
"Are you kidding me?" Anthony said in shock.
Renèe shook her head.
And three minutes later Isaiah came back in stage. But he wasn't alone.
"Why is he here?" Renèe asked.
It was Dustin and Isaiah had him by his collar.
"I'm making him apologize to Joan." Isaiah said.
"You mean the fat ass?" Dustin said laughing.
"You're so fucked up." Renèe said punching him in the face. Having enough of his bullshit.
"Ow what the fuck? And who even are you? Her fat side kick?" Dustin said holding the bridge of his nose in pain.
"Are you kidding me?" Anthony said about to punch Dustin until Renèe stopped him.
"Don't. He's not worth it."

Isaiah finally found Joan in the corner crying.
"Hey Joan."
Joan knew that voice. It was Isaiah but when she looked up she didn't see what she wanted to see.
"Why is he here?!" Joan said standing up quickly.
"I know what happened. I brought him back here so you can punch him." Isaiah said still holding onto his collar.
"No what?! You said you brought me back here to apologize." Dustin said in his defense.
"I don't care for your apology. And I'm not going to punch him. But I will kick him in his Nuts." She said as she swung her leg up between his legs and as she made impact he cried out in pain, like a baby.
"That's what you get asshole." Isaiah said throwing him to the ground.
Dustin quickly got up and ran away fast, well as fast as you can while holding your junk.
"Why did you do that for me?" Joan asked the boy.
"Because what he said was mean and may I add wrong you're really pretty. I don't care what your weight is. As long and you and me are happy and we can make out and shit then I'm good." He said smiling.
"But why me?" Joan asked.
"Cuz you're really beautiful and your fucking badass and your nerdy and I like that." He said giving her a flirty punch on the shoulder.
"So what do to you say? Will you go out with me?" Isaiah asked the stunning actress.
"You're not bullshitting me? You're not playing a prank? And this wasn't a dare?" Joan asked to make sure.
"No ma'am. I give you my word." He said reassuring her.
"Then yes." She said hugging him.
They separated the hug and they started at each others eyes. Then lips. Eyes. Then lip. And slowly they got closer and closer. Until they met.
"I KNEW IT." A bystander yelled.
The new couple turned to see Renèe, who was watching the whole time.

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