All nighter?

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"So this is it?" Isaiah says as he walks into Joan's house.
"Oh I'm sorry. Were you expecting the Queens palace?" Joan said sarcastically.
"No no, I'm just surprised, it's nicer than I expected." The sixteen year old boy said.
"Thank you but can we just get started on this stupid project." Joan said throwing her backpack on the dining room table.
"Yeah, but what is exactly going on." Isaiah said sitting across from Joan at her table.
Joan sighed and rubbed her temples out of annoyance.
"Okay so I told my parents to get out of town because they needed time alone so I told them to leave so you can come over, we can have and all nighter and get this dumb project done. That's why I had you tell your parents you were going to Allan's and spending the night. Do you get it or do I need to tell you again because you're that dense?" Joan asked.
"One more time." Isaiah said practically begging.
As Joan explained the situation, again, the clock started ticking, right now it was 9:38 pm. They had 9 hours to get this project done.
"Do you understand now?" Joan said making sure he understood.
"Yes?" Isaiah said questioning himself.
Joan got up, exasperated, and went to the stereo and turned on her favorite song.
"Whatever lets just get started, okay?" Joan said walking towards the table.
"Yeah sure."
As the hours went by and it was 4 hours, 6 monsters, and around 50 songs later they were only about half way done with their project.
"Ugh! This is so dumb and useless, why do we have to do a stupid project on arranged marriages? Like who cares? I mean, I feel bad for these 13 year old girls forced to get married to 45 year old pedophiles but like I don't care." Joan said banging her head against the table.
"I can actually relate to them. I kind of get what their going through." Isaiah said getting up and pacing.
Joan got up and starting following him.
"You feel like a 13 year old girl who is forced to get married to a 45 year old pedophile?" Joan said questioning his statement.
"Yes. No? It's complicated." He said turning away from him.
"Well why don't we take a break, you can talk to me, I mean I know we were forced to be partners but we are kind of sort of friends." Joan said empathetically.

They sat down on the couch as they sipped at their monsters.
"Well I'm kind of dating Winter but I don't like her, at all, it's kind of forced." He said not making eye contact.
"Who's forcing you to date her?" Joan questioned feeling intrigued by the conversation.
"My friends, society's standards, myself. And it sucks because I'm in love with somebody else. But they're also kind of in love with someone as well. Which I don't know why." Isaiah said.
"Oh, well why don't you break it off with Winter and tell that other person how you feel?" Joan said hopefully helping.
"Okay I will. But I will break it off with Winter later. I have to do the other part now." Isaiah said standing up.
"Okay?" Joan said as her eyes followed Isaiah as he moved closer to her.
"Alright well, Joan I'm in love with you."
He said without a blink of an eye.
"Wait hold on what?" Joan said standing up and backing up from Isaiah.
"I'm. In. Love. With. You." He said as he kept getting closer and closer to Joan who eventually was pinned to the wall by Isaiah.
"I-I, what, I just, well-" Joan was cut off by a pair of lips meeting hers.
Isaiah was obviously very horny because as soon as his tongue gained access to the inside of her mouth he took one of his hands and ran it up her leg inching closer and closer to her "woman hood".
Once his hand found its destination Joan quivered beneath him.
"That's a good girl." He whispered seductively into her ear, nibbling at it slightly.
He eventually let her hands go that were above her and took his free hand to try and remove her shirt.
This is when Joan realized and pushed him off.
"What the-" Isaiah said.
"I-I'm sorry. I c-can't." She said running into her room and locking the door as she started to sob.
Isaiah ran after and tried to open her door.
Once he realized the door was locked her just turned around and slid down the door and sat in front of it.
To be continued..

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