Chapter 1.

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I was running late one morning as I was rushing out my house and down the street to get my coffee.

I got in there and the line was atrocious and I needed to be at school in ten minutes. I just kept checking my watch and tapping my foot till one of the waiters noticed me.

"Christina you're late this morning" Eric my older brother said.

"And yet you still had it saved" I told him and thanked him.

Eric was older then me by 4 years making him 21 soon I'd be 18 and he said for my 18 birthday he'd take me clubbing at least that way he could make sure no boys hit on me but we both knew I could take care of myself.

My grandparents owned the coffee shop we were standing in, we moved in with them after our parents die three months ago it still hurt to think about them.

I ran two blocks down to school. I had 2 minutes to make it to home room with out a late call home. I ran up the stairs and I almost reached the door when I hit a tall figure.

My coffee splashed out my hands I don't quite know what happened to it and that wasn't what I was concerned about when my butt hit the hard floor.

"Ouch" I said rubbing my butt through my skirt.

I heard a bunch of laughter erupt from the figures in front of me.

I blushed as I looked up to see Shawn Mendes, Nash Grier and Cameron Dallas all together.

They were the schools it-boys. They had recently went on this thing called Magcon tour and they just got back a few months ago.

When I looked at Shawn his white tee was stained with my coffee, guess that's who I hit earlier.

"Omg I'm so sorry" I said trying to wipe the stain off with my hands.

"It's okay" he said and I looked into his brown eyes.

Big Mistake they got me lost and I began smiling uncontrollably.

I finally let go of his shirt and stood back.

"Hey can someone go get me a shirt from my locker" he asked one of his friends.

"I've got it" Cameron says walking in another direction.

Shawn took of his flannel shirt and removed his white tee from his body revealing his perfectly muscular toned chest.

"Omg" I let slip by mistake and I could see a smug grin appear on his lips.

"You're drooling" he states.

"I don't drool not over boys like you" I told him as I walked past him.

"Damn the things I do to her" I heard Shawn say in a raspy tone of voice that sent shivers down my spine.

I let myself smile as I turned back to say "sorry Mendes I don't think you'll have a chance to do them" then walked into class.

I tried to keep my mind off it but the only thing that seemed to pop into it was Shawn. Why did bad boys have to intrigue me so much. Well he wasn't really bad I heard he was a sweetheart most of the time and just got violent when he drunk but it's none of my business I'm not going to get involved with.

School was finally over and I was making my way home when a mustang rode past me and blocked my path. After he rode the window down I realized it was Shawn.

"What do you want Mendes I want to go home" I told him.

"That's where I want to take you I don't want you walking all by your self you might get hurt" he told me pouting.

He just looked so cute like that- stop it stop that thought right now.

"I can handle myself" I told him.

"I bet you can but I want to talk to you and it would be easier if I could do it face to face not car to walker" he stated and I laughed.

"When you put it like that" I said climbing into his passenger seat.

"So what's your name" he asked. Both hands on the wheel.

"Christina but most people call me Chris it's easier" I told him looking at his focused eyes on the road.

"Well Chris where you from" he asked looking at me.

I quickly glanced away "Florida."

"What brings you all the way to Canada then?" He asked.

"Family" I tell him withholding information.

"Okay are you staying" he asked.

"Yes I am" I told him.

"Good" he said.

"Why is it good?" I asked.

"Cause I need someone around who intrigues me I'm tried of girls just throwing themselves at me your an actual challenge" he said winking at me.

"Oh stop right here" I said getting out of the car in front of the coffee shop.

"Then maybe you should keep me around Mendes" I tell him walking away.

"Wait Chris I need your number" he told me.

"What for" I asked.

"To talk to you outside of school of course" he told me.

"No Mendes you have to earn that remember I'm a challenge I don't come easy" I tell him going inside.

I watched him get out of his car and follow me.

"Okay Friday night pick you up at 8" he told me.

"And who says I'm just gonna go out with you" I questioned.

"Nobody I didn't ask I told your cute but don't get smart" he told me.

I don't know there's something about a boy who could put you in your place and keep you there.

"Fine but don't try anything Mendes."

"I plan to try everything" he says with a grin and walking out the door.

"I like him" Eric says from behind me.

"Well I don't" I told him walking into the back and grabbing an apron.

"Yes you do, if you didn't you wouldn't have said yes you like the way he can control you it's just the type of guys your into" he states following me.

"If you say so Eric" I tell him.

"For what it's worth he was checking out your ass when you were getting out of his car" he said as he was walking away.

Just the thought of Shawn watching me made me blush.

I wonder what would it be like dating Shawn?

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