Chapter 25

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I stayed with Gilinsky for a couple of weeks, he'd go to work and I'd stay home cooking and clean.

As I was cleaning when I heard a knock on the door and I went to open it.

"Hi Madison is there something you need?"

"Yeah is Gilinsky home please?"

My brow perked up, what would she want with him?

"No he's not I'm afraid."

"Great then he can't hold me accountable for this, here she is!"

She said as Cedric peeps his head through the door.


I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. That's when Gilinsky came home.

He cleared his throat as he looked at us weirdly, I quickly got off and sent a apologizing smile his way.

"Babe your home Cedric this is Jack Gilinsky my boyfriend, Gilinsky this is Cedric my best friend from back home."

"Nice to meet you."

They shook hands.


"So let's go inside and get to know each other" I said as Madison rush through my door.

"Mad go home" Gilinsky said rubbing his temples.

"Fuck" she cursed exiting the house.

We spent the whole day talking and catching up and at night Gilinsky let us go out together.

Cedric and I hit the night club and Gilinsky did not like the short ass dress I had on but he let me go anyways because he said he trusted me. I've never had anyone trust me before.

"Shot!" Cedric screamed he was already drunk, We've been here for two hours and I already hated it.

I don't like the night club. Never have. Never will but I came out here to make sure he didn't get to drunk.

"Chris you know what I've never told you?"

"What is it Cedric?"

"I love alcohol, I love girls, And I love you!"

"I love you too."

"No not best friend love but love you like I want to smash into your lips and walls every time I see you. Like your body is a wonderland that I just want to explore that type of love."

"Woah I think you've had a little too much to drink let's get you home."

"Yes let's go home."

I got into a cab and drove to his hotel. I carried him to his door and laid him on his bed. Just as I let go he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to lay on his chest.

"Don't leave yet, I just want you to stay like this for a while."

"Cedric I have to get home to my boyfriend!"

"Well he's a lucky man."

"Why do you say that?"

Cedric then flipped over so that I was facing him.

"Because he can do things like this!"

Cedric bent down nibbling down on my bare neck.

"Cedric this is wrong!"

"Then why does it feel so right? Why haven't you left?"

He lifted up my dress and kissed my inner thigh and that's when I kneed him in the throat and ran outside. Taking the elevator straight to the first floor and getting into the cab. The driver took me straight home and I was afraid to enter, I could still feel his kiss linger on my body. I entered our bed room and Gilinsky looked up from his phone.

"Hey babe welcome home, by the look on your face I can tell you finally figured out Cedric had a crush on you."

"Wait you knew and you let me go out with him!"

"Of course I did I'm a guy and we see these things. What's the big deal nothing happened?"

"Something almost did happen Gilinsky that's not funny."

His face dropped.

"I knew it wouldn't but what almost did?"

"He started kissing my neck and my inner thigh and I almost didn't say no!"

"Oh, well good night feel better."

"Wait we had plans tonight since the twins are with Eric."

"Yeah not really in the mood anymore but thanks for trying."

What the hell is happening? Gilinsky not in the mood for sex that's never.

"Um okay I'll see you in the morning."

I climbed into bed and tried to wrap my arm around Gilinsky but he moved closer to the edge so I wouldn't.

When I woke up Gilinsky was already gone and I was stuck alone till 5 when Gilinsky would come home. I already clean yesterday so I just watched T.V until it was time.

I woke up to the door closing and I glanced at the clock on the wall.


"Hey babe what took you so long?"

"I was fucking someone else" he simply said walking up the stairs.

He said it so causally but inside it broke me. Every word strikes fear and pain to my heart. Maybe the signs were there from the start maybe I was just too blind to see. Maybe the Magcon boys just weren't meant for me!

"I'm sorry maybe I didn't hear you right, you did what?" I said following him like a dog.

He's drunk, he has to be drunk.

"You heard me loud and clear her body was in perfect shape and her pussy was heavenly Chris."

"How could you? After all those stupid little bullshit lies you told me how could you?"

"I don't need you anymore I got what I wanted from you already" he spat.

"Well I hope your happy living alone and bitter for the rest of your life cause I'm through with all of your bullshit. Your exactly like your friends" I spat turning on my heel but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him.

"Babe don't go I didn't sleep with anyone else I won't deny I thought about it last night but I couldn't bring myself to it. My heart belongs to you."

"Jack why are you doing this?"

"Because he touched you, he touched all over what's mine and you let him."

"Babe I didn't let him I broke free the second I could. You don't have to do all of this to get my attention you just need to tell me it hurts and I won't ever do it again."

"Okay but there's one more thing I have to ask you."


"Will you marry me?" He said bending down on one knee.


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