Chapter 10

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I had told Carrie what happened with Tom, she cried. She has obviously broken up with him since, not that he cared about her in the first place. Asshole. I pulled the books I needed out for the last class out of my locker and stood up. Every movement was painful. I walked to Ms.Ali's English class and slipped into my window seat beside Carrie.

"Are you okay?" Carrie asked with sadness in her eyes because I told her what Susan did last night.

"Feeling better than earlier, I'm sorry for being so depressing with you today." I said.

"You have every right to be depressing, Kel!" She said. "Please report her, she needs to be stopped!" Whimpered Carrie.

"Car, you know I can't!" I sighed

If I ever reported Susan, their family would be ripped apart. I wouldn't care about her getting hurt, I would care about the kids. I know what it feels like to have your family torn apart, and it's horrible. I would never want them to go through that.

The class dragged on so much, especially since we were learning about a dreary war poem for the whole class. When the bell rang I literally ran out of the classroom to get out, I grabbed my basketball gear and slung the bag over my shoulder. Carrie caught up with me and I cheered up after talking to her for a while.

"I told Beau that your phone broke, and that if he needed you to text me."

"Oh, okay thanks!"

Her phone beeped and she pulled out her shiny, white iPhone 5.

"Speaking of him, it's Beau telling you to meet him outside of school!"

I blushed at the thought of him.

"I'll put your stuff back in your locker when I finish and ill tell the coach you're sick." Carrie smiled. Seriously, everyone needs someone like Carrie Jones in their life.

"Thanks so much Carrie!" I hugged her.

She hugged me quickly back.

"Now go run to lover boy," she teased as she pushed me towards the door.

I laughed and went on my way. I walked out the school gates and saw Beau leaning against the wall, the sun shining on his tanned skin. Wow, he was sexy. When he saw me his face lit up.

"How's my girl?" He asked while pushing up his sunglasses.

"Better now you're here," I grinned.

He pulled me into his arms, I covered up the pain that shot through me when he hugged me by putting my head into his chest. "We're going somewhere!" he grinned cheekily.

"Where?" I asked curiously.

"It's a surprise! You'll love it!"

"I'm very suspicious." I laughed as he grabbed my hand and dragged my towards his car.

After about half an hour we were nearly there. Beau ordered me to tie my scarf around my eyes so I wouldn't see where we were. After he helped me find my way out of the car and take a few steps, he took the scarf off me.

We were at the beach, my favourite beach! It was called Hillary's and it was beautiful, white sand and clear blue water. A long pier, markets and little cafe's. I breathed in the sea air, it was lovely.

"Beau! How did you remember that this was my favourite place? I told you this like two years ago!"

"I remember everything my favourite girl says."

When he said that my heart fluttered a little.

"So first, we're gonna go to the 'Beach Shack' cafe." He smiled down at me.

"My favourite cafe, you have one good memory boy!" I laughed.

The cafe was covered in little wooden, handmade ornaments painted with flowers. And there was tables and chairs, all different painted in pastel colours. We sat down and ordered. I got a caramel slice and a strawberry milkshake and Beau got chocolate milkshake and an Oreo muffin. Me and Beau talked about school and colleges and stuff until I started to feel sick.

"I need the toilet, I'll be back in a minute." I lied.

When I was in the bathroom I washed my face and sat down on the windowsill for a minute to steady myself. I was starting to feel better so I decided to go back out, I felt sick again and ran to the toilet and puked. Oh god, I don't want to be sick! I won't let this ruin my night with Beau. I walked back out to Beau.

When we finished our snacks we went outside. We walked hand in hand down the pier, talking and laughing.

"Wait here a minute!" Beau grinned.

"Okay.." I answered, confused.

Beau disappeared and then reappeared five minutes later. In a boat!

"Oh my god Beau! A boat!" I said laughing.

"Come on then!" He grinned.

He held his hand out and helped me down into the little white rowing boat. I sat down quickly so I wouldn't fall off. He pulled me into the middle of his legs and I rested my head on his chest. He rowed out a good bit and then threw the rock and string, which was supposed to be an anchor, into the sea. The place we were was out of view of the beach. Beau stood up and pulled off his shirt and kicked off his shoes.

"Um Beau, what are you doing?"

"Taking my clothes off?"


"We're going skinny dipping, obviously" he laughed.

"What? Skinny dipping?!"

"Well you can go in in your clothes and get wet or keep your clothes dry in the boat, either way you're coming in." he told me cheekily.

I watched him get undressed, mesmerised.

"You better get undressed and stop watching me get undressed." he winked.

I was embarrassed he caught me watching but I quickly got undressed. I crossed my arms feeling self-conscious about my bruises so I covered them up.

"Beau I changed my mind, I don't wan-" before I could finish my sentence Beau pushed me and I dropped into the cold water and it swallowed me up. My head broke out of the water and I gasped for air from the shock and the cold.

"Beau!! Oh my god, you are dead!" I screeched.

Beau laughed and before I knew it a big splash landed beside me and there was Beau. He looked so good with his hair wet. I tried to look angry and splashed water over him.

"Oh, so that's how you wanna play it, eh?" He asked.

He grabbed me, pulled he high out of the water and threw me back down into it. After I came back up he gently pulled my legs around his waist.

"I'm sorry babe, forgive me?" He chuckled.

"Okay, I forgive you" I moaned, then laughed.

"Good!" He grinned.

I put my hands on his neck and pulled him closer. His green eyes stared into mine. Wow, I thought. He put his hands on the back of my thighs to hold me up and he kissed me slowly, it sounds cringy but I felt like there was fireworks going off.

"I love you so much." he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

He smiled at me madly and we went for a little swim around the closest rock and jumped off it a few times. We swam back to the boat, dried off and got dressed.

By the time I got home, I was sure that Susan would kill me. I braced myself before I walked through the door. I heard the TV going and I slipped into my room before anybody noticed. There was a sharp pain in my stomach and I ran to the bathroom and I vomited. What was wrong with me? I cleaned up the mess and went to my room. But at least Susan didn't realise I was home late.

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