Chapter 19

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I was in the familiar bedroom of Beau, and he had gone to make tea. When he got back I burst into tears.

"I can't do this anymore, how are we going to support this child. Where am I going to live?" I sobbed.

"You can do this Kel! We can support the baby together and you can live here."

"I can't live here! She's bound to find me, I have to leave!"

"She can't get you while I'm here, okay? We can save up and move out of here."

"When my dad died he left me 20 grand in his will, but I have no idea how to get it."

Beau's eyes widened but he stayed calm, "We'll sort that out later, okay babe?" I nodded and he pulled me on top of him as he lay down. He pulled the duvet over us and wiped my tears. I cuddled into him as he stroked my hair. I soon fell asleep but I was having the same dreams of Susan chasing me.

When I woke up, I was in the bed by myself and I heard someone in the kitchen clattering around. Outside it was broad daylight, I looked at my phone it was 1.37pm. I couldn't believe I slept in that long! I had 5 missed calls and 7 messages from Carrie. I completely forgot about school. It was lunchtime now at school so I rang her.

"Kelsie, oh my god where the hell are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why aren't you in school? Was it Susan? What happened? Are you sick?" She blurted out, speaking fast.

"Carrie! I'm okay! I'm at Beau's I came here late last night because of Susan, she was abusing me again and I was worried in case she hurt the baby. Yeah I'm hurt, but I won't be in school. Tell the teachers I have pneumonia or something. Tell your mum NOT to tell Susan about Beau or anything, I can only trust telling you, and I'm so so sorry but I can't see you for a week or two because I need to sort some things out."

"That fucking bitch." she screamed. "I'll tell the teachers that, we get our holidays next week so you probably won't be in then. Yeah I understand, I'm so happy you're away from her though Kelsie. I miss you already!"

"Thanks! And I miss you too," I said, "I have to go now, but I'll see you soon! Hugs and kisses!"

"Good luck Kel! Bye." she almost shouted down the phone.

I pressed the hang up button and laughed. I'm going to miss her! Beau then came in with a tray of tea, toast and biscuits. I grinned as he put in down in front of me.

"Aw Beau! Thank you" I said, pecking his cheek.

"It's alright babe, you looked too cosy, I didn't want to wake you."

I laughed and smiled at him.

"Did you see your bruises?"

"No.." I trailed off, lifting up my top to see.

The top half of my stomach was black and blue from Susan, I looked at Beau, his hands knotted in the sheets and his eyes full of anger.

"If I could get my hands on that woman I would kill her!!" He said loudly.

I pulled down my top and told him everything was okay.

"No it's not Kelsie! This woman has been abusing you for the last 6 years! That's far from okay!" He exploded.

"I want to see a doctor about your stomach, what if she hurt the baby?" He said softer.

I wiped the tears silently rolling down my cheeks and nodded. My head was pounding and it felt like it was going to explode every time my heart bet.

While Beau was in the chemist getting pain relief medicine, I rang the bank and set up a shared account for me and Beau. They needed a deposit of $100 before they could open it, so I have to go down tomorrow. They said they would give me the card when I get there.

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