Chapter 33

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*Kelsie's P.O.V*

"Please Beau just leave me alone, I can't talk to you right now." I pushed my feelings down and kept a blank expression.

"I swear, she kissed me and .. I will never do anything to you like that ever again Kel!" He tried taking my wrists gently, I pulled him off me.

"Fuck off!" I raised my voice. What did she have that I didn't? Does he know her?

"How many other girls did you kiss?" I questioned, panic setting in.


He wasn't looking directly at me, he was looking behind me as if there was somebody there. I turned my head to look but there was nobody there.

"What are you even looking at?"

"Idunno" He spoke as his words ran into each other and I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

"What the fuck? What have you taken?"

He just looked blankly at me.

"Beau!" I screamed. "I can't believe your doing this!" Tears threatning to spill.

"Come inside its cold.." Was all he said.

The fact he was brushing it off like nothing had happened and it clearly wasn't important enough to him for him to even keep a straight face made me want to break down in the middle of the street. I felt my lip wobbling and I turned to leave, expecting him to pull me back. But he didn't, he wasn't even going to fight for me.

I turned back remembering that I had no way home, "Beau, I need yor car, the taxi is gone now and I need to go" I told him, looking up to hold the tears.

"Yeah.. okay," He said, digging in his pockets before taking them out and handing them gingerly to me.

I got into his car that I had borrowed, I tried to find the keys in my bag with blurry eyes. I finally got them and shoved them into the ignition and started up the car. I put my foot on the pedal, getting away as fast as I could.

There was nobody on the streets so I started speeding up, faster and faster. The rush made my heart race, I was trying to take my mind off Beau, I turned up music loud and wiped the tears away. The faster I went, the more scared I got but the less my mind tuned to him. I didn't see the man crossing the road until my headlights reflected off him making me scream and I stomped on the breaks. The man ran out of the way just as I screeched to a halt right where he had stood 3 seconds ago. I gripped the steering wheel, my heart jumping out of my chest and I couldn't move. When my mind registered with what just happened, I slowly relased the steering wheel and put my extremely shakey hand on the door handle. I opened it and as I stod up I got really dizzy but forced myself to try find the man.

"What the hell? You nearly killed me!" He shouted at me.

"I'm... Oh my... I'm so so sorry.. I didn't.. I wasn't.." The words wouldn't come out.

His eyes kept flickering down to my jeans and back up to me, his expression quickly changing from angry to I'm not really sure what, scared? Nervous? He gulped and pointed to my jeans, I looked down and my eyes widened to see blood seeping through my jeans around my upper thighs.. My hand came to my mouth, much shakier than before.

"I.. I'm pregnant.." I whispered, barely audible.

"Oh.. Oh my god, I'll.. I'll drive you to the hospital." He paniced, rushing into the already running car as I got in beside him.

"Whats going on?" I cried.

"I.. I don't know," He fumbled around, putting his foot down.

Before I could say anything else, a shooting pain sliced across my stomach. I bent over in pain, moaning loudly. I felt the car go faster, almost under my command.

I looked up to see the fear but determination on the man's face.

I groaned again, I could feel the blood coming out and I started crying. We pulled into the hospital and he hopped out and ran over to my side of the car, pulling me out, putting an arm around my waist helping me out. I threw my arm over his shoulder and we walked in together.

The woman at the desk glanced up and saw me, her eyes widening slightly. She must of thought I got my period. Did I?

He left me sitting down and he went up the the middle aged brunette, telling her about me. The woman came over, not in any rush. The look on her face was not good. She brought me in silence to a room and instructed me to lie down.

"Miss...." She trailed off, expecting my name.

"It's Kelsie, please help me" I pleaded.

"Are you positive your pregnant?"

"Yes! 2 months!" I excaimed, getting frustrated.

"Let me just do a quick scan," She told me.

She instructed me to lie down on the small bed as I lifted my top she applied the cold gel. She reached behind her and got the scanner and rubbed it along my stomach, in slow circular motions. She turned back to look at the black and white screen on the insides of my belly.

The silence in the room was uncomfortable, she turned to me, "Miss. Kelsie, you've had a miscarriage." Her eyes full of sympathy as she reached for my arm.

She kept explaining but I couldn't hear her. Everything was going in slow motion. My baby was gone. I screamed in emotional pain, tears flooding out.

"No! No! This can't be right, please no!" I screaming, tears streamind down my face.

"I'm so sorry for you loss," She tried to hug me.

"But my baby, my baby.."

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