Chapter 16

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It was hard to get up when my alarm went off, I yawned and rubbed my eyes, when I remembered I was meeting Beau, I hopped out of bed and got ready.

I had a shower, and put on denim jeans and a white, floral shirt. I tied my hair in a bun and rubbed on a tiny bit of make-up that Susan wouldn't notice.

I put the house keys and my phone in my bag and left.

The library was only a ten minute walk. I got to the library at 10.45am so I sat on the wall and waited for Beau.

Shortly Beau pulled up in his car and I hopped in.

"Hey gorgeous!" He smiled.

"Hey babe" I grinned back.

"I was looking up all about the pregnancy and stuff, how are you feeling?"

Awh, he looked up pregnancy. He was so sweet!

"I didn't get sick this morning actually but I have been recently, been getting cramps, dizziness, headaches, cravings and back pain" I sighed.

"Awh babe" he said rubbing my back. "Yeah I was reading about the trimesters and all that"

"Well done for looking that up Beau!" I laughed, "but yeah I'm in the first trimester"

"Yeah, I've been doing my homework" he winked, "we'll get through this together okay?" He smiled.

We talked about the pregnancy for the whole way there. He made a few jokes about it which made me feel better.

When we pulled into his mothers house, Gina was outside gardening when she turned around and saw the car. We got out to meet her.

"Kelsie! Oh doll, I haven't see you in ages!" She exclaimed hugging me.

"Aw Gina, I missed you so much!" I said hugging her tight.

I heard a smash inside the house and then a scream,


"Oh god, they still fight like they're four." Gina said, rolling her eyes.

"Luke!! Jai!! Come outside, Kelsie is here!" She shouted.

I briefly met Jai and Luke, as I rarely got to go to their house so I didn't have much time with them.

"Hey Kelsie!" Jai grinned at me.

"Hey Jai!"

"Long time no see!" He said hugging me quickly.

"Kelsie, how are ya'?" Luke had the same playful grin as his brothers.

I started laughing while hugging him back, "I'm great, thanks."

It was 12.30 and Gina had made us lunch, we were all sitting down at the table. Me and Beau had planned to tell them about the pregnancy now. Beau held my hand under the table.

"Mum, Luke, Jai. We have something we'd like to tell you," he said.

They all looked at us.

"Me and Kelsie and having a baby." he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Luke dropped his fork and Jai and Gina's jaw dropped.

"Your going to be.. A father?" Gina said.

"Yeah mum, I'm going to be a father to a beautiful baby."

Gina's eyes watered up and she started smiling. Jai stood up and shouted,


And Luke realised so would he, "OH MY GOD SAME, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS BUBBA!"

Me and Beau started laughing at their reactions.

"Thank you all for being so sweet about it" I smiled, nearly crying again. We all went into a group hug and Gina started crying which set me off! "I didn't ever think I'd be a granny this young! I'm so happy for you Kelsie and if you ever need any help with anything I'm here, I brought up three devils!" She laughed and so did the boys.

Beau had gone outside to have a game of basketball with the boys, James and Daniel were on their way down. I talked to Gina and he told me everything I would need to know. She gave me some iron pills that would help and some pain relief to take now because my back was hurting. I heard screams and shouting and I presumed Daniel and James were here. I told Gina I was going outside. When I got out their I was introduced to them.

"So this is the girl breaking you heart Beau," he looked me up and down, " I can see why."

"Shut the fuck up Daniel." Beau said aggressively while pretending to be joking.

"He was only joking Beau, calm down." I said rubbing his arm.

"Sorry mate, it was a joke." explained Daniel.

"Nah, sorry 'bout that, I get a bit protective."

After we told them I was pregnant, they had the same reaction as Luke and Jai. We chatted for a while until it was time to go home. It was 5.00pm so Beau drove me to the library. I told him about my job and he said he was looking for one too.

"Kel, I want to save up and move away with you and the baby" he confessed.

"I wish we could but we could never make that much money together" I sighed with a sad face.

He held my face in his large hands, "We can do this okay, I'll get a job with good pay and I'll make us a savings account and we can get away. I know you want to get out of that house as soon as possible." he said.

"Okay Beau, I'll set up the bank account next week?"

"That's sounds good babe."

I kissed him goodbye and got out of the car into the rain. I ran to the doors of the library. I got my school books from the front desk where I left my them. I studied for the last hour before Susan collected me on her way home from work. I hated every minute of the silence.

"I heard you got a job." she said.

"Yeah, a babysitting job in Honeywood." I answered coldly.

"I'm surprised they even want you, I wouldn't anyway." she snarled. I just looked out the window, ignoring her. She always had something bad to say to me.

When I was lying in bed that night I realised, I was exactly two weeks pregnant today. I had taken two of the iron tablets before I went to bed, like it said on the box.

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