Chapter 3

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I woke up to my alarm and felt my head throbbing and I was forced to remember what happened yesterday. I put my hand to the cut and felt the thin scab that covered it and a sting of pain coursed through me as my finger came in contact with the wound. Lucky I had my long hair to cover the ugly scab up. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. As I splashed the water over my face, the searing pain came back again but I felt relief after it. I got dressed, packed my bag and my lunch, I grabbed a bar as breakfast before I left and I was just about to leave when I felt Susan grab my wrist tightly.

"You didn't put bars on your list, so you don't get any," Susan hissed, making sure the kids didn't hear, while snatching it off me. Ever since I moved here, the rule for me was I was allowed the bare necessities like bread, milk, etc. Susan always separated my list from the family shopping, I got the cheap food, while she splurged out on nice things for herself. I was always the last to be thought of in this house, if at all.

I looked down an mumbled a 'sorry'.

As I got of the bus to school I saw Carrie, Rachel and Amanda I was so happy to see them. I waved and gave them a smile, almost forgetting about home. I ran to them and we had a group hug.

'"By the way, Beau told me to tell you he'll be waiting outside the chipper," Carrie told me happily and nudged me, "Just get with him already!" She said while laughing.

'No!' I exclaimed but I couldn't help but stifle a smile.

I floated my way through school not really concentrating on anything, I went to my locker at put my books away and got out my basketball gear. I then remembered that I was supposed to meet Beau after school but I have basketball. Then I thought, Beau. Beau, his eyes, Beau, his smile, Beau, his laugh, Beau, his kindness, Beau, his body, Beau. What was I doing?! Beau is my best friend, nothing more, nothing less and I tried to push the thought out of my head. I threw my basketball gear into my locker and practically skipped out of the school.

When I saw Beau, his face lit up and I ran to him and hugged him, he held me for a long time, one arm around my waist and one around my shoulders an he held me close. "How are you?" He smiled when I finally pulled away. "I'm good!" I said smiling like a fool. He took my face in his hands and tucked my hair behind my ear, I suddenly remembered my cut and quickly tried to cover it but I saw the look in his eyes and I knew he seen it.

"I swear to god, he's dead!" Beau's face was gone red with anger. Since Beau had known me before and all though my relationship with Matt, he only found out about the abuse in the last 6 months, he helped me get away from Matt. Beau would obviously think it was Matt who had done this, he didn't know about Susan. So in his opinion, who else would do this to me other than Matt?

"It wasn't Matt, and keep your voice down I don't want people hearing!" I said my face burning with embarrassment.

"Fine!" Beau grabbed my hand and dragged me to his car.

When we were inside the car, he shouted "Who the hell was it then?!"

"Beau, I just fell its okay.." I said quietly.

"This was no accident Kelsie, I'm not stupid!! Somebody did this to you!" I was quite angry as he was assuming he knew what happened, when in reality he knew nothing.

"You don't know anything! How would you know I didn't fall?"

He gently took my hands in his and said "I know because my mum used to make up excuses like this, my dad abused her since I can remember, I used to play this game with my brothers, who could sing the loudest, to block them out. Once I tried to stop him, he kicked me right in the jaw. After that we left, me, my mum, Jai and Luke. Haven't seen the cunt since." 

I climbed into his lap, not knowing what to reply to the shocking information I had just found out.

"I'm so sorry Beau, I can't believe you had to live with that." I said while wrapping my arms around his neck, hugging him tight.

"Tell me who did it." He replied, seeming sadder than before but much more calm.

"I will tell you on one condition, you don't hurt the person who did it. This is serious Beau, I need you to promise me." I seemed to always be making promises with Beau.

"I promise but I need to know because I will fucking rip his head-" He stopped himself, remembering the promise he made to me, all of two seconds ago.

"It was Susan, this wasn't the first time either.." I trailed off, waiting for his unknown reaction.

"Fuck!" He screamed, slamming his hands down on the steering wheel, making people outside stare.

"What the fuck Kelsie? Why haven't you said anything? Why didn't you leave?" His bloodshot eyes staring into my watery ones.

"I...I couldn't tell anyone, if I did their family would be torn apart. They would have no mother and they probably wouldn't have George either. Their family would be destroyed and I know what that is like and its I don't want that for the kids. Just because their mother is a bad person, why should they get it taken out on them?" I told him, fighting the tears about to spill out.

"Why didn't you come to me, I wouldn't of told anyone and I never will.." He looked at me, he had quickly switched emotions from furious to looking hurt that I didn't tell him.

"It was easier, when I step out of that house I pretend its all okay, like nothing is going on in there," I forced a smile while a fat tear rolled down my cheek.

"Can we not talk about it?" I buried me head into his warm chest looking for comfort. I knew it was taking him everything not to say anything more about it.

"Course," He whispered, bowing his head closer to mine and stroking my hair.

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