Chapter 15

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As I sat down in the posh, cream armchair where Ms. Atkins had told me to sit, she asked me a few questions.

"Thank you for coming today, Kelsie." she welcomed. "I'm just going to ask a few questions to see if you're suitable." she said, while taking out her pen and paper.

"Okay so, how old are you?" She asked.

"I'm 17, I'll be 18 in eleven days."

"How far away do you live?"

"Three blocks away." I smiled.

"What times would you be avalible?" She asked jotting everything down.

"Anytime from 5-10pm on weekdays and 10am to whenever on the weekends."

"That's great, do you have any experience with young kids?"

"Yeah, I used to look after my little brother and my cousins when I was younger."

She put down her clipboard and pen on the glass coffee table.

"Well, it sounds to me like your perfect for the job. I don't think I'll need to interview anybody else. Congrats!" She smiled shiny, white teeth.

"Oh my god! Thanks so much Ms. Atkins" I said, thrilled.

"You're so welcome, darling." Emma said pushing her long blonde curls over her shoulder. "You can start on Monday at 5.30pm to 8.30pm, and I'll pay you as an 18 year old since you're so close!" She laughed. "You can meet my son, Riley, then. He's three."

"Oh, I can't wait!" I stood up to leave and so did she, "Once again thank you so much, I'll be looking forward to coming back on Monday." I said shaking her hand politely.

"Thanks for coming, see you soon!" She called as I walked down the front steps of her house, turning to wave.

I counted up how much I would make on Monday night, I would make $24. That wasn't that bad, if I did that three times a week it's $72.

When I got home I opened the door and heard little footsteps running.

"Kelsie!!" They shouted.

"Hey guys!" I grinned pulling them both into a big hug, considering they were twins, Adam was so much taller than Alyssa! Alyssa was showing me her painting of a fairy she did in school and Adam showed me his newest Hot Wheels car. I acted interested in both, after a few minutes they went to play. I didn't get to see them often with Susan around because she hated the fact that they loved me.

I walked into the kitchen to tell George about my new job.

"George, I got a new babysitting job for a woman living over in Honeywood Avenue and it's Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 5.30pm until 8.30pm, would it be okay of I stayed out that late to do that?"

"I'm sure that would be fine, I'm glad you finally got a job" he said, formally.

"Thank you." I smiled before heading upstairs.

My back was aching like hell, I needed to lie down for a while. I flicked through the leaflets Dr. Andrews gave me, they told you what to eat to make your iron levels rise and stuff that's good for you and your baby. It also explained how you give birth, my eyes widened as I read through the description.

"You're going to hurt me when you come into this world you know!" I said to my belly.

I heard my phone vibrating, I looked at the screen it was Beau ringing me. I closed my bedroom door and clicked the answer button.

"Hey!" I said, smiling.

"Hey babe! Do you want to meet the boys tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'd love to!"

The boys were Jai and Luke, his brothers who were twins, and James and Daniel. His best friends.

"So what time will we meet in the library?" He asked.

"Is 11 okay?"

"Yeah that's perfect, what time do you have to be home?"

"I'm being collected at the library at five, so we have six hours."

"Yess, can't wait to see you babe." I could hear his smile through the phone.

"Aw you too Little Beau Peep!" I teased him.

"Ha ha, very funny." He chuckled.

I started laughing, "I better go before someone catches me on the phone, I love you!"

"Aw okay, love you too, bye!"

"Bye Beau." I said before clicking the hang up button.

I took out some school books and studied for a few hours. Mmmm, I'd love some cheese now! George and the kids had gone to collect Susan so I went down stairs and cut myself a slice of cheese and nibbled on it.

I heard everyone returning through the front door. I threw on one of Beau's t-shirts he gave to me a while ago, I use it for pyjamas though! It was only 9pm and I was starting to get tired, I slid my phone under my bed and got into bed. I put my hands on my belly, trying not to make moan because of the cramps. It took me a while to fall asleep because of them, but I eventually did.

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