Chapter 1

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I watched Beau's body move, he was tense and I could tell he had done it again. Beau was contstantly getting into fights, with everyone who pissed him off in the slightest. I was furious, he couldn't do this anymore. He opened the car door and sat in and there was silence, as he started the car and backed up.


I said trying to keep my voice from wobbling. He looked at me with big, green eyes and it made me weak, I looked away to steady myself.

"Where were you last night?" I questioned him.

"I was out with a few friends, I told you that." He said, looking away from me.

'"I called Luke, he said he was in last night and so were the boys."

"I was with... Other friends." he stuttered.

I raised my voice, almost shouting, "I know what you were doing Beau! Don't lie to me!" My hands were shaking.

"Kel, it's not what you think. This time is different.' He looked down and continued to speak, "It was Matt."

Matt was my ex-boyfriend who I had escaped from. I mean escaped, he hurt me all the time for every little thing I did wrong. I lived in fear. A lump formed in my throat and my mouth dried up, I struggled to speak. "How.. Where.. Where was he?" I said in a quiet, raspy voice.

"He was at the bar, he didn't know who I was, but I fucking knew who he was!" Beau was holding the wheel so tight his knuckles had gone white.

"Beau! Why would you start a fight with him?! I wanted to have a new life without him, and I had it but know he knows you are connected to me! Did you tell him why you hit him?"

"Kelsie, I had to, your my best friend. You don't understand how angry I was when I saw his ugly face."


The loud clatter of pots and pans filled the house, I winced at the noise of it. I scurried around trying to clean up the mess I made, before I could finish a shadow loomed over me.

"Stupid bitch," he grunted.

"I wasn't meant to.. it was an accident, I'm sorry Matt." I stuttered on my sentence.

Suddenly hands grasped my throat and the air was caught in my throat and I could't breathe, I starting kicking my legs in the air as my feet were lifted from the ground. Then he just dropped me, leaving me collapse to the floor, gasping for air.

*end of flashback*

Matt now had access to me, I tried to keep calm. I opened the car door and slammed it behind me. I heard his door open and I began to run, I didn't know where I was going but I was running. I heard footsteps catching up with me and I turned to face him.

"Beau, I need to be by myself, I don't even know if I can forgive you after that."

He put his large, warm hand on my cheek but I pushed it away.

"Please Kel, just hear me out!"

I was getting really angry, "No! I won't!" I turned and started walking away from him.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me back, I struggled in his strong grip but I couldn't prise his hands off me.

"Fuck off Beau! I don't want to talk to you!"

I screamed at him, I felt his hands drop. I knew I had hurt him but I carried on walking away, it started to rain and I turned to see him standing, like a statue, watching me leave him. I felt my eyes brim with tears, I let them fall and be camouflaged by the rain.

As I got to the house I realised nobody was in so I dropped my bag to the ground and started scrambling around the pockets in it, looking for my house key. "Shit!" I exclaimed as I remembered I left it on my bedroom windowsill. I walked to the bench in the front garden and flopped down onto it, I didn't realise how worn out I was until now. I began to think about Beau, I couldn't stop myself and I just burst into tears. 

I don't know how long I had been there for but I felt the rain stop and I looked up to see an umbrella above me, I quickly turned to find Beau standing behind me holding it.

"You looked cold," he mumbled while taking off his jacket and handing it to me.

I took it gingerly and wrapped it around myself.

"Beau, I didn't mean what I said earlier, I'm sor-" Beau cut me off,

"No Kel, you have every right to say that to me, don't be sorry I deserve it, I'm so sorry and I shouldn't of done that." he said while he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Promise me that you won't fight again?" I asked

"I promise." He told me showing me the crinkles on his golden skin, around his mouth and eyes that I loved so much.

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