Chapter 28

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The car glided onto the curb outside the school gates just as me and Beau had finished our intense conversation about dogs.

"Ew, I don't want to go to schooool." I moaned in a childish voice.

"You can always come back to bed."

He grinned cheekily.

"I wish, but I have to go, ugh." I sighed.

Before I could moan more about school, Beau's lips crashed onto mine, heating my cold body. His large hands gripped my waist pulling me towards him. My hands brushed the stubble on his jaw before I placed this on his neck. His tongue asked for entry to which I obliged, letting him take full control of both our actions. I pulled away slowly, leaving kisses on his soft lips. I looked at his green eyes and his full lashes, staring at me.

"I love you so much," I smiled, looking at his lips, wanting more.

"I love you princess, you're mine alright?" He said in a deep, Australian accent.

"I better go, I'm so late!" I laughed.

"Naughty girl." he winked.

I knew he was holding back more sexual comments, but I let it slide.

"Bye Beau." I laughed, rolling my eyes.

He grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me back, he tucked my hair behind my ear and kissed me lightly on the forehead, heating my skin once again.

"I'll pick you up after school, okay?"

I nodded, flustered by his gentle gesture.

"Bye beautiful." he smiled as I waved back and shut the car door.

I straightened up my uniform and ran my fingers through my hair before entering the doors of the school. The quiet atmosphere outside was quickly changed when I got inside by the crowded halls and screaming girls, I couldn't tell if they were trying to kill each other or just excited. My locker is on the third floor, thankfully the stairs weren't as crowded as the halls.

I reached my locker and emptied my bag into if before pulling out the books I need for my first few classes. I zipped up the bag and closed my locker when I heard a high-pitched scream right behind me. Before I could turn around, two long arms grabbed me and pushed the air out of my lungs. It took me a minute to realise the person was still screaming, without a doubt it was Carrie. She released me and I turned around, joining in her screams.

After about five minutes we were still stuck to each other saying how much we missed and loved each other.

"It hasn't even been a month!" She exclaimed, hugging me tighter.

How was I going to tell her about moving to Perth in a few weeks? She was going to be distraught.

When we got to Math class, we had a free so me and Carrie sat in the back talking. The teacher supervising up was laid-back so we didn't have to worry about being caught.

"Guess who has a new boyfrieeeend." she sang loudly, throwing her hands in the air, gaining states from the class and the supervisor. She laughed before returning her attention to me.

"I wonder who?" I exclaimed sarcastically.

"Me!" She said, clapping her hands.

"Who's the lucky boy?" I laughed at her reaction.

"Oh he's not a boy, he's a man" she growled, raising an eyebrow at me in a sexual way, making me laugh.

"And what age?"

"24." She grinned back, pretty pleased with herself.

"Twenty-fucking-four Carrie?! He's 6 years older than you." I said, genuinely getting worried.

She brushed it off before leaning closer to me to whisper something, "but guess what the juicy part is? He's the new science teacher here."

I leaned back and nearly screamed, covering my mouth to stop myself. My eyes felt like they were popping out of my head, Carrie clearly found this hilarious because she was nearly crying with the laughter.

"Carr! I can't believe you, he could get suspended if any other teacher found out you know!"

"That's the fun though isn't it? The secrecy." She winked, licking her lips.

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh and before I knew it, we were both in tears laughing over our desks.

"You two.. down the back." The teacher raised her voice.

I glanced up, wiping my eyes.

"Yes.. miss?" I said trying to hold it the laughter, it's not even that funny, it's just one of those moments.

"You're disturbing the class, if I hear another word, your both outside the door."

"Yes miss." we chorused.

The bell rang out and I jumped up out of my chair and put my bag on my back, heading for the next class. This was one of the rare days where I have three classes with Carrie. We headed to the science lab, talking about guys the whole way. We must of sounded like little 12 year olds!

We got too late to sit at the back to we were beside each other right in the middle of the front row, oh yay. The class were chatting loudly before the door swung open, and in came a teacher I didn't recognize. I glanced at Carrie and she was wide-eyed, obviously in state of shock. She grabbed my wrist and shook it, still staring at him set up his laptop.

"It's Ryan, my boyfriend, why the hell is he here?"

My mouth formed the perfect "o". I burst out laughing, he looked up at me and I failed miserably trying to turn my laugh into a cough. I could understand what Carrie saw in him, he was tanned, dirty blonde hair and big brown eyes. He was wearing a blue shirt, sleeves rolled up and in it unbuttoned at the collar. You could see his muscled chest and large biceps through the thin material. Carrie was staring at him, not in shock anymore but now in awe. I glanced around the class and realised Carrie wasn't the only one who was loving the view. the whole class were batting their eyelashes and sticking out their chests as he took the role. He glanced at Carrie and gave her a knowing smile, not making it obvious to the class.

Nearly halfway through the class, I started to drift off to sleep.

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