Chapter 17

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"Hello Kelsie, come in and make yourself at home." Ms. Atkins said, walking ahead of me in her heels, motioning me towards the kitchen.

"If you feel hungry, there's loads of stuff in the fridge and cupboards. Also here's my number and my work number if you need me." she explained, pointing towards a piece of paper stuck to the fridge.

"Okay, thanks Ms. Atkins." I smiled.

"Ring me if anything goes wrong okay?"

"Will do, bye!" I waved as she walked out the door.

Apparently little Riley was upstairs in his room playing. I went up and saw him playing with his cars.

"Hey Riley, I'm Kelsie. I'm going to be looking after you tonight!"

He got shy and hid behind his bed.

"Hmm, I wonder where Riley is, he was he a second ago, where could he have gone?!" I acted shocked.

I heard giggles from behind the bed and he jumped out, "BOO!" He shouted.

"Ahhhh! You scared me, where did you go?"

Riley giggled again,

"I was behind de bed all da time!"

"Oh my god Riley! Your such a good hider!" He laughed his little head off and I brought him downstairs to watch tv and make him some warm milk as his mother instructed.

I turned on "Little Pop" with the bedtime programme on it for him as I went to put his beaker of milk in the microwave. I gave him his milk and he sipped away, I pulled out my phone and had one text from Beau,

"I wish I could see you soon, but I'm flying to Darwin with the boys to see the basketball game. I'm gonna miss you so much, how are you getting on and how's the babysitting?X"

I replied, "Aw I miss you already! Yeah, the little boy is so cute and good, actually been having no morning sickness for the past two days which is good, how are you?x"

I put my phone down and looked up at Riley, who had fallen asleep in the chair. He was so sweet. I gently picked him up and went up to his room, I tucked him in. He started sleep talking and I thought he was awake when I realised what he was doing. I whispered goodnight and when I stood back up, the cramps started again.

When I was downstairs I made myself hot chocolate and a hot water bottle. I watched tv for a few hours until Ms. Atkins came back.

She handed me thirty four dollars, "What's the extra ten dollars for?" I asked, confused.

"A taxi home, I'm not having you walk home in the dark!"

"Seriously I'm okay, I'll walk!" I said giving we back the extra money.

"No Kelsie! I'm serious about this I want you to get a taxi, he's on his way already so there's no point in trying to walk."

"I feel so bad! I'll defiantly bring my own money next time, thank you so much!"

"Oh, there the taxi now. Thanks for tonight Kelsie. And I'll see you Wednesday." she smiled.

I saw the yellow taxi parked at the end of the driveway and I walked out and got in.

"Kelsie" the driver said, "long time no see eh?"

He turned around, it was Matt.

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