Chapter 25

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I looked at him in shock, " I'm taking you with me" I said firmly,

"No, you can't, he will find out and we will both be dead."

"He won't find out, I promise" I said, while I took his hand in mine. Making contact again with my own flesh and blood nearly pushed me to break down but I knew I had to keep going to save us all.

He held my hand tight and I got up and we slowly stepped out the door constantly on the look-out. In the room next to me I could hear low voices, Chad and his gang. At every step I cringed incase he heard. At the bottom of the stairs I just ran I didn't care if he heard me because we were free. Scrambling at the backdoor trying to get the key in with my sweaty hands and being rushed wasn't a good mix, but I managed to get it open quick enough. We ran as fast as we could away from the house, back onto the street. There was nobody to be seen, I started to get worried. I mean what if he comes out and gets us, him alone could easily take the both of us out.

I saw a couple of about 40 walk down the road towards us, I ran to them shouting and waving my arms around. I needed to draw as much attention as possible.

"Please help me! We just escaped but my boyfriend is still in there I need the police!" I shouted out of breath. 

They looked at me in horror before the man took out his phone and handed it to me. I dialed the number and waited for an answer, They said they would be here in two minutes, I thanked the couple and grabbed Sam's hand, dragging him down the road, into a different ally behind a large bin. This way we could easily see the place we escaped but they couldn't see us. I waited impatiently before I heard the loud sirens come down the road. 

The police took our names, loaded their guns and barged into the house. I could hear shouts and guns going off. I hugged Sam and closed my eyes, hoping it would all go away. The police woman asked me about Beau and where we lived and why dd they attack us and loads of questions, my mind was a blur, I answered them like a zombie. I couldn't get Beau off my mind. 

Suddenly I saw figures coming out the door from the corner of my eye, I turned my head in what felt like slow motion. There was Beau, his head covered in blood but he was alive and coming towards me. I ran into his arms and he held me close. I felt the hot, salty tears run down my face. I kissed Beau on his blood encrusted lips, it was horrible seeing him like this. I'm so glad he's okay.

"We need to get you to the hospital" A policeman informed us.

As we were getting into the back of a police car, I saw Chad in handcuffs getting roughly pushed into another policecar beside us. 

"I will get you next time." He spat before the door was slammed in his face.

I knew he couldn't hurt me, but I was so scared. The journey to the hospital was so strange, I was feeling a mix of emotions, happy; sad; angry; scared; worried. I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt Beau's arm slip around my waist just as we pulled up to the hospital, bringing me out of my thoughts.

When we were in ER, me and Sam sat on two separete beds facing each other, as the nurses checked us up. 

"Your're my brother, you might not remember me but you are my brother." I told him.

"I do vaguely but I saw so many pictures, I could never forget your face," He smiled weakly.

"I thought you went home with a young couple, not a gang" I said clenching my fists.

"They took me Kelsie, they took me when I was nine. He beat me, I was his slave, had to do whatever he said, he even changed my name."

It broke my heart to hear that, my eyes filled with tears, I outstreatched my arms motioning him to come over to me for a hug. He hopped up to my bed and I wrapped him into my chest, my baby brother was back in my arms. I never thought this would ever happen again. I felt a wet patch on my top, when I realised he was crying. This only made me more emotional, hugging him tighter.

We had finished our check-up and we were sitting in the waiting room because Beau was getting stitches. The door flung open with Luke, Jai, and a brunette I didn't recognise.

"Kel! Where's Beau? We heard what happened, are you okay?" Jai asked frantically.

"He's getting stitches, yeah I'm okay just not mentally." I tried to make a joke.

The girl I didn't know let out a small laugh at my pathetic joke, I liked her already. While Jai sat down, Luke and the girl came over to me.

"Um Kelsie, I'd like you to meet someone" He explained, motioning to the pretty brunette,

"This is Elizabeth, my girlfriend.." He trailed off, blushing as he slipped an arm around her small waist.

"Hey!" She said chirpily.

"Nice to meet you!" I greeted her, as we both went in for a hug,

"How are you, I'm so sorry to hear" She said with genuine concern in her eyes.

"I'm a bit unstable but I'm more worried about Beau, I mean I know he's going to live but that was a pretty bad bang to the head he got" I said, worriedly.

"Oh god, you're holding up so well, I know I couldn't do it!" She exclaimed.

We sat down and I explained everything that happened and about Sam being my brother, making Elizabeth cry and it brought Jai and Luke tears to their eyes. We all hugged before I decided to get coffee and tea for everyone and a fizzy drink for Sam. When I got back with all the drinks Beau was there, I put all the drinks on the table and ran to him. I hugged him so tight he probably couldn't breathe.

"I love you so much Beau." I whispered.

"Kel, I'm so so sorry, it was all my fault!" He said, almost crying,

"Stop Beau! It has happened and we're okay, its over, stop blaming yourself!"

"I fucking love you, beautiful" He said before kissing me passionately on the lips.

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