Chapter 35

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I heard a loud band which stirred my sleep and a wriggled in the warm bed slightly, searching for Beau. Oh yeah, I remembered yesterday and it was Luke with me in bed. Not Beau. Luke was still sleeping soundly as I started to wake up properly. I thought back on yesterday, the emotions hitting me like a truck. I still couldn't process it, I was still confused on what I would do from here on out. I rolled over to face Luke and removed my hand from his chest. I heard another bang and this one woke Luke up too.

"What was that?" He asked groggily, pushing his hair down.

"I don't know." I replied, confused.

As if answering our questions Beau came storming into the room. He stood in the doorway, anger washing over his features, I couldn't tell if he was still intoxicated or not. I suddenly realized, to him it must of looked like me and Luke had slept together, I went to try and explain this mess but his loud voice over-powered mine.

"What the fuck is this?" He shouted.

"Beau, it's not..." I tried to speak but failed.

"Don't try to make up fucking excuses Kelsie, you were fucking my brother!"

"No! I didn't want to be alone, that's all!" I raised my voice.

"Really? I'm sure you could have survived." His voice was getting dangerously low.

"I.. I was cold.." I trailed off, telling the truth.

"Cold? You were fucking cold?" He sarcastically questioned me.

"You're the one who was high last night and you're the one who fucking kissed another girl! And you're getting angry with me for having no place to stay, being cold and sleeping beside your brother?!" Anger was taking over my emotions. I felt sorry for Luke he was the only thing between me and Beau and I could almost feel how awkward he felt. Luke slowly started to get up, as if he didn't want to be seen. Before Luke could put a foot out of the bed, Beau pushed him back down.

"Did you fuck her last night?" I didn't like the way he was talking about me.

"Fuck no! I didn't put one finger on her, I have a girlfriend if you don't remember!" He shouted, obviously angry at Beau's stupid assumptions. He pushed Beau of him and walked out of the room and back into his own, slamming the door.

"I don't even want to be near you anymore, you have done nothing but hurt me these past few days, what is wrong with you?" I could see my words slowly making his tough outer wall crumble.

He sat gently on the bed as if everything was okay again and looked me straight in the eye, he went to pull me closer but I moved out of arm's reach. He retrieved his hands and stuttered on his words.

"I.. I'm sorry Kelsie, I don't know.. How.." He kept mixing up his words. "We can get through this together, for the baby.." His words sent a dagger through my heart. I couldn't take it any longer, I burst into tears.

"Kelsie, I really am so sorry, I shouldn't of done that and I promise I will never do any of that again." He spoke softly, he thought I was crying over that girl.

"Please.." He pulled me closer, all I wanted to do right now was curl into his chest and be held in his arms. But I had to be stronger than that. Through my teary eyes I pushed against his chest, pushing him away.

"The baby.." I tried to tell him.

"The baby is gone." I finally got out.

"Wh.. What do you mean?" His eyes went wide and flickered down to my stomach.

"Beau I had a fucking miscarriage last night while you were out partying!" I screamed, my emotions bubbling over.

"No, no they got it wrong, the baby is still there." He was in utter shock.

"They don't have it wrong, there is no baby!"

His eyes blinked with salty tears, "Kelsie, I.. I didn't know.." He bit his lip trying to hold in the tears that I had let out.

"It's gone.." I cried, I needed comfort and my comfort was Beau I needed him to get through this. I don't like the feeling of having to 'need' someone, but Beau was that someone. I crawled across the bed and wrapped my small arms around him and he held me tight in his arms. The muffled sounds of our irregular breaths was the only sound in the room. I closed my eyes and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. I pulled my legs around his torso and he held me close to him. The irregular and sharp intake of his breath indicated he was crying. I wish I could rewind time. Rewind to the day I had just told Beau I was pregnant and the smile on his face was something I would never forget. Rewind to the day Beau and I jumped of that small boat in Hillary's. I wish I could rewind.

"How?" I heard him whisper behind me.

"I don't know." I shook my head, not wanting to talk.

"I should of been there."

"Yeah, you should of." I answered, not wanting to be reminded of my anger right now. I was so angry but I wanted to hug him so bad, he's all I wanted.

"Kels-" He went to speak.

"Shh.." I closed my eyes. I didn't want to hear what he had to say, there was nothing he could do to make this situation better, it was better if he said nothing. If he did, I knew I would lash out on him. It would just be fuel to my fire.

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