Savage Warriors and Stolen Weapons

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Percy Jackson POV

Leo Valdez. Jason Grace was about to kill my friend, Piper. Sure, he drops by from time to time, but never to fight. He stops to say hi to his girlfriend Calypso, share some stories, get some supplies from Hephaestus Cabin, then he is on the run again. Piper threw Katoptris at Jason's forehead, but Jason caught it mid-flight. He dropped it on the floor and stepped on it and surged electricity into his blade. He aimed it at Piper's head.

I was running like crazy to save Piper. I couldn't fly like Jason. Then, I see Leo fly in from the valley and tackle Jason and fly into the sky with him in his firm grasp. Then, he let go of him and unhooked his battlehammer. He whacked Jason in the face so hard just thought he'd black out. He cried, "Stay away from my camp," and stretched a hand made of fire and used that hand to grasp Jason's super cool Imperial Gold weapon.

I was sad Leo destroyed it because it's such a cool weapon, but I knew that's what had to be done. He threw the remains of the sword at Jason and blasted a purple beam of fire at Jason. I saw Leo fly over and fall on the roof of his cabin. Then he went through roof access. Leo Valdez grinned and ran over to me. "What's good, Jackson?" I replied, "THAT...WAS...AWESOME!!!" "Well, Uncle Leo's gotta do what an Uncle Leo's gotta do. Ya know what I mean?"

"Jason. Where is he?" Leo scratched the back of his neck. "Told him to go back to Camp Jupiter." "Jason is a praetor, man. He takes orders from none." I reasoned. "All that matters is that he's away from Camp Half-Blood." He nodded approvingly at me. Calypso shrieked with delight and tackled Leo. They made out for 16 minutes straight and when Leo got up, he was panting like he just sprinted a 5K without stopping, except his face was covered with strawberry lip gloss. He smiled weakly. "I should save Camp more often."

I was glad to see Caleo (Calypso and Leo) so happy together. I also had a little envy, because it made me want to grab Annabeth and never let go. Percabeth (Me and Annabeth) Is mich older than Caleo, and I'm nervous Annabeth might not love me as much as she used to. "Hey, it's pretty late." Piper said as she joined the semi circle we had created. "Camp Half-Blood Campfire is about to start." Leo nodded. "Got it!" He flew away in the eye of his inferno tornado.

Leo came back, grabbed Calypso by the waist, and took off again, concealing them both in a fiery hurricane as they flew into the night. "I wish I could fly." I mumbled. "C'mon Seaweed Brain, you can breathe underwater. You can surf the waves without a board, and can walk on water like concrete. Carry me?" Annabeth asked. "But of course!" I exclaimed. I scooped her in my arms and ran across the pool to the Campfire. Not gonna lie. She's kinda heavy.

Jason Grace POV

I pretended to retreat to Camp Jupiter, then doubled back, and flew to the armorey. I heard Connor Stoll talking to Will Solace. I hid behind the building. "Let's get to the Campfire, brother. I hear good ol' Leo's come to visit." They jogged off. I walked into the armorey. I grabbed two swords. Spathas. What Roman weapons were doing In a Greek training camp, I didn't know. I strapped them on my back in the shape of an X under meh cape, and flew out into the dark, toward the Campfire. I left Reyna with a goal. Capture Graecus fugitive/ thug/ demigod.

Leo Valdez POV

Here I am, telling the campers about the battle back in New Mexico.

"So there I am, drinking a bottle of Tabasco sauce and tinkering with a sphere. I designed it to act as a smoke bomb, and a good thing I did. I slipped the sauce into my magic belt and set the sphere. I walked into meh mom's shop, which is currently being run by my Uncle Damien, my Uncle Sammy's 2nd adopted child. I strolled in and said, "Damien, I'm back." I saw Jason and played it cool. I said sup and put my finger on the activation key. I knew I would have to run.

Uncle Damien introduces us and I make a cheesy joke. Then Jason asks, "Did you say that was Leo Valdez?" I nodded and said the one and only, praetor. He pointed at me and yelled, "You! Freeze!" And ran up to me. I pressed the key into the sphere and a wall of smoke neatly sealed my escape, but by the looks of him, I knew that Jason is a fighter. I pulled out my battlehammer and set it ablaze.

He flew in flipping his coin, Ivlivs, he called it, and we battled. First, by elements. Fire vs Storm. Next we battled the mortal way, fist to fist, and finally the warrior way, Hammer to Sword. I hit my sphere like I was hitting a baseball and it hit him so hard in the chest that he flew back and broke the wall behind him. Then, I flew on the roof and dropped my hammer on his head. I flew down, retrieved my weapon, and booked it, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. I was coming to visit.

Then, about an hour later, I saw Jason's capture and bringing to Camp Half-Blood, so I figured since Jason was in chains, he wasn't a threat, so I took the skies, just chilling, soaring over to CHB, when I arrived at the brink of the valley, I saw lightning. I heard Piper yell miss and surprisingly, the lightning changed course midair and missed meh cabin. Thanks, Pipes." The campers clapped for Piper. I continued, " Then, I saw that Jason was the one shooting cabins with the power of his hand, surging lightning through the blade.

When I saw him land and unarm Piper of Katoptris, I knew I had to act. I dived like a falcon and tackled Jason and pulled him into the air. Well, you guys saw the rest." Jason sneered from above. "Well, of course the hunt isn't over. He held two Roman spathas. I started to fly up, but Jason said, "Ah ah ah. He threw the swords with deadly aim and pierced my suspenders to the bleachers with the swords.

I struggled and sighed in defeat. "Fine, praetor. You got me. But this is a demigod training camp. I'm not the only one with crazy mad powers. Classire is an Ares child." Percy shouted out. "I fought with him once!" And sat back down. Jason Grace grinned and stared at me, his eyes piercing into my soul and the swords were piercing my suspenders. "I think it's time Camp Half-Blood gets a taste of Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, praetor of Rome and Olympus." Jason shot lightning through his palm straight to the fire. It exploded and everyone was covered in soot and ash.

I started to my right and saw Chrion shout, "Stand down, Roman!" He nocked an arrow and let loose. Jason controlled the winds and sent the arrow back to Chiron. He descended in front of me. "Repair Ivlivs with your brethren in Hephaestus Cabin. We have a long way to California, Valdez." I snarled,"It's fixed. Strong weapon, weak architecture. Enchanted Imperial Gold. I expected a hard fix, but it's design is simple."
"Okay, then!" Jason clasped his hands together. "Ready for a field trip to California."

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