"Wanna get him Superman?" "Gladly!"

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Creepy Stalker watching this battle between the demigods and cyclops POV

Jason Grace and Leo Valdez were a great team. Jason flew over the beast's head and stabbed it with his pilum, a Roman mix between a lance and a spear. The beast yelped in pain, and while he was pulling that outta his head, Leo flew by and banged on Ivlivs's hilt like hammering a nail into a plank, pushing the pilum deeper in the cyclopes's head.

Jason flew in front of the beast and blasted the beast inbetween the eyes. "Wait!" Jason yelled. Cyclopes are older than giants, and you need a demigod and a God to kill a giant!" Leo yelled back, "Probably Same Scenario here! Hephaestus, I call onto you!!" Instantly, an image of a flaming hammer appeared over his head, like being claimed again. His whole body caught on fire. "Jason! Set me up!" Jason commanded the winds and the beast flew in the air. Leo shrieked a battle cry as he flew toward the thing, his whole body blazing, and punched it in the face as it crumbled to dust.

Leo nodded. "Hope it enjoys Tartarus. Am I the only one that thinks it's strange that King Tartarus is a being and a place at the same time?" "It's kinda like how Gaea can materialize anywhere on Earth even though she is the Earth." Jason answered. Leo hooked his battlehammer to his belt. "Whoa! I killed a Cyclopes!"

Jason nodded. "Yep! But...this only the beginning. Oh, Good Jupiter!!" A couple feet away, stood Three Cyclopes. Leo grinned and his whole body set ablaze. "Hephaestus and I got this!" "Jupiter and I will take the second one and we can kill the third one together.

Jason Grace POV

I yelled, "Jupiter!!!!" And suddenly, my body had electricity surging around it. Like a tornado of electrifying power surging around me and inside of me. Ivlivs suddenly felt small in my hand. I dropped the blade and imagined a lightning bolt in my hand. Suddenly, I was holding a bolt of lightning the size of a yard stick. I threw it like a javelin and it hit the 1st Cyclopes in the forehead, so he was trying to pull it out, but each time he touched the projectile, It would shock him. I ran and blasted him in the chest with a ball the size of bowling ball, made of pure lightning. He crumbled to dust and Jason was standing in a puddle of ichor.

Leo Valdez POV

I grinned at Jason. "Hephaestus and I got this!" I flew and swung once with my battlehammer. I seemed smaller and weaker with my literal increase FIRE-powers. She what I did? I have powers of fire and they are increased. Increased fire power? Never mind. Anyways, Hephaestus's power in me made me feel invigorated. I felt like I could wrestle and ARMY of Titans. Maybe even an army of Giants or Gods. The beast hit me HARD on my right side, enough to break all my left ribs.

But to me, it tickled. I pretended to yawn and flicked him on the forehead. He crumbled to dust. I threw the 3rd creature in the air and Jason pierced its chest with a lightning bolt javelin. To me, It looked like a shorter version of Zeus's Master Celestial Bronze lightning bolt.

We killed the monsters, took the spoils, put on Sun shades, and strolled out like bosses

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