Leo Valdez: Team II

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Leo Valdez walked toward the gates of Olympus. He grabbed his hammer and ran in. He saw Titan Kronos and Titan Iaeputus and Titan Krios arguing with the giants about who had the true rights over Olympus. Percy Jackson walked in front of them. "Neither of you foolish groups have the right to rule Olympus. My father's brother, Zeus, the King of the Gods and the Head Olympian. Only he has the right."

"You..." Kronos said with a snarl. "Remember me? I am Titan Kronos, Gaea's eldest Titan." Percy nodded and stretched his chin. "I remember you! I whooped you last summer in Manhattan in the last battle of the Titan War! Yeah, I remember." He unsheated Riptide. "I SLAYED YOU ONCE, AND I SHALL DO IT AGAIN!!" Titan Iaeputus spoke up.

"You, Son of Neptune. (Posiedon for y'all Greek demigods) We fought in Tartarus, or was it the Underworld? I can't remember because you erased my memory in the River Lethe! You couldn't beat me. My strength was too great. But you couldn't lose, so you would rather erase my memory. I worked as an overpowered janitor named Bob straining to remember my past for 7 years!! And now, Its Round 2, little demigod."

Titan Krios laughed. "Wow! Percy Jackson came back!! Though that hotshot Jason Grace slew me in cold blood, even a son of Jupiter and a praetor of Rome doesn't dare face me again!!" He nodded at the giants. "Top that you oversized fairytale beasts!!" By the time all that stuff had happened, Leo had gotten the Olympus Jailroom were the Gods were being held. He freed them and ran to Percy's aid with Hephaestus beside him.

As the Gods and Leo Valdez ran to battle the Titans and the giants, Zeus bellowed, "To the aid of Jason! He changed form. His beard became shorter and trim and his red robes turned purple. His Celestial Bronze Master Bolt turned into a lightning bolt of Imperial Gold instead. Dawned set in Leo's eyes. "Lord Jupiter.." he whispered. His voice trailed off. The portal to Manhattan opened in front of him and he did a frontline as he passed through.

Aphrodite and Hades ran to the portal. Aphrodite jumped through but before Hades passed through, his robes turned into a sleek black suit with trapped souls in the pockets. Diamonds, emeralds, and gold popped up by his feet. He went from Hades to...

Leo didn't pay attention in history class when they studied Greek and Roman Mythology.

He strained. Yes! He went from Hades to Pluto! Huh. Zeus is Jupiter. Jupiter is a planet. Posiedon is Neptune. Neptune is a planet. Hades is Pluto. Pluto was a planet, then a dwarf planet, and eventually a moon, but it was a planet at one point. And Kronos, who was Zeus's dad is Saturn. Kronos is Saturn and Saturn is a planet. Ares is Mars and Mars is a planet. Whoa! Aphrodite is Venus and Venus is a planet! I swear if one more Olympian is a planet...

Lemme check....nope. Comment if Gods being planets is weird to you or if I am wrong. Interesting, maybe the planet's were named after the Olympians. Correct me if I am wrong. If someone can comment the answer to this, they will get a special mention in my next chapter and I will follow them. Doesn't seem like much, but If I encourage with a reward, maybe people might do it. Thanks guys! Now..the story....

Posiedon battled at his son's side. Percy Jackson. Other than Jason Grace, he was the most powerful warrior Leo Valdez knew. Leo checked what was going on down in Manhattan. He jumped through the portal and saw...Thor?!?! OMG! Leo loved the Avengers! He was about to start fangirling when he heard Piper scream. Perboia, Porphyrion's daughter, had picked her up and thrown her at the wall of an Accounting Building like a girl getting mad at her Barbie. She was wounded and fending herself.

Hazel was knocked out unconscious. But he was at the top of the Empire State Building. He could fly down there, but a descend down that far would take too much energy. What would a criminal like him do? He couldn't jump. He looked around and an abandoned news copper landed across the roof 15 feet away. He hopped in and hijacked the engine and got off the floor. "Don't worry beauty queen," he muttered, "Leo is coming.."

Leo Valdez: Criminal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now