The Search for Leo

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Dedicated to meh FIRST follower handymanny123

Percy woke everybody up. Classire woke up startled and hit her head on the roof of the chariot. "Jackson..." Percy kicked her outta the chariot. "Forget you! I'm driving this thing!" Classire threw her hands up in exasperation. "And y'all wonder why I hate this guy!" Percy retorted, "See Ya!" The chariot started the fly into the air. Piper yelled, "Where's Leo?!" Percy answered, "Roughtide senses a large mass if celestial bronze and Imperial Gold in Camp Half-Blood. He probably took the weapons.

Leo Valdez POV

I made it to Camp Half-Blood. I creeped into Hera Cabin and saw Kronos. I pulled out my battlehammer and crept up behind him. I was ready to knock him out but I never got the chance. The song by IheartMemphis, 'Hit the Quan' filled the room. Leo cursed and pulled his phone out. "I thought I set this thing to VIBRATE!" Kronos turned. He grinned. "Mortal music. What are you, a hipster?" Leo retorted, "Remember our Iris Message? I'm not the one saying 'TK out!' like a fool. Are you a Titan or a gangster, Kronos?"

Kronos's grin turned to a snarl. He unstrapped his scythe from his back. I wasn't prepared for what happened next. Leo didn't care if Kronos battled me. I've been in battle before. But he motioned the blade at a Celestial Bronze jar. Calypso stood punching the walls. I mouthed, 'Save your energy, I'm coming' She understood. I ran to the jar and whacked it with my hammer. It bounced off and the jar vibrated.

Kronos laughed. "That bronze can withstand alot. Not even you could break it." As if on cue, Percy Jackson and the others broke through the wall of the cabin in a chariot with weapons unsheated. I grinned. Frank asked, "Leo alone can't, but his about all of us?" Kronos's grin wavered. I laughed and doubled over. I motioned toward the open cabin doors. "Guys, the doors were wide open. Why'd you crash through the wall?"

Piper pointed at the hole I had made on the way in. "Really Repair Boy?" I pointed at Piper. "We'll talk later. Now, Calypso. Percy; keep Kronos busy. The 6 of us got a jar to break." Percy threw his pen at me and I caught it. I looked at him and he said, "You will need all the relics the bust that thing." Percy reached into the sack of Celestial Bronze weapons I brought and pulled out a bronze sword. He ran and tackled Kronos and they sparred.

I faced Calypso. Jason stabbed at the cage with his bolt. I said, "Roughtide," and set my hammer on fire. "Ight guys! On the count of 5, we bust this thing. Ready?" The others nodded with weapons ready. I yelled, "5!" and thrust the trident and hammer with all my might with the others' forces combined. The jar shattered. Calypso hugged me.

SupremeNote: Leo always says he won't get a girl when the whole fangirl nation is waiting for him :D Well...sorry girls. Calypso is with him. They made out for 37 minutes. Where they got the air, don't ask me. Back to the story...

Creepy Stalker watching the battle between Percy Jackson and Kronos POV

Percy yelled, "We WILL take back Olympus! You can bet on it!" They had been battling for 37 minutes. Kronos was tired and wounded, but persistent. He stood. The others ran to Percy's side. Knowing he was outnumbered and weak, he pointed at Jackson and said, "This isn't over, Son of Posiedon! THAT, you can bet your sorry little life on!" He ran to Olympus. The six combined had to hold back Percy.

Percy accepted his pen and pointed at the chariot. "Leo, you gotta fix that. We're taking a road Mount Olympus."

to be continued....

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