Percy Jackson

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Percy Jackson POV

Posiedon battled at my side with the rest if the Gods, thanks to good ol' Leo Valdez, who unlocked their cages and took out their jailer, Thoon. As we battled in Olympus, Leo went back to the mortal side of the portal in Manhattan. That left me with two unanswered questions. Where were Annabeth and Frank? Where is Gaea? Sadly, my second question was answered first. "I.....have.....AWAKENED!

I lowered Riptide and looked at her in awe. She was stunningly beautiful while a big smile. Though she was smiling, her presence seemed evil, cold, and distant, and chills rolled down the back of my spinal cord. Titan Iaeputus was the first to speak up. "Lord Gaea, my mother. The head mistress has awaken!"

Titan Kronos's lance dropped to the ground and clattered. "M..mother-How do you stand before me without the sacred Blood of Olympus?" Gaea waged it away like she was tired of answering it. "Titans Kronos, Krios, and Iaeputus. You are the forgotten ones. You should be with King Tartarus, the pit God, my beloved husband. Might I ask how you stand before me?" The three Titans scratched their necks and looked around nervously.

Porphyrion and the other giants said shrugged. Porphyrion replied, "Eh, it is no matter. We have served our purpose. All that matters is that the Head mistress is once again with us. Gaea has awaken and Giants and Titans alike can end the lineage of gods and demigods alike, Greek or Roman. The Dark ones will rule as the Kings of Chaos, the Dukes of Destruction, the Emperors of Evil, the Titans of Terror, the Giants of Gaea."

The three Titans and the Twelve Giants yelled and cheered. Gaea smiled darkly. "First step, Revenge." Titan Kronos, it would seem the Son of Posiedon is already among us. Reek vengeance on Percy Jackson. The same for you Iaeputus! As for you Titan Krios....the so called son of Jupiter, Jason Grace is on the mortal side of the portal to Olympus."

Krios cracked his massive knuckles. "In Manhattan, I suppose you mean. Do not despair, my Lord. I will get my revenge." He ran and jumped through the portal to Manhattan. Leo walked in dragging Hazel over his shoulder and supporting Piper as she walked on a crutch. Annabeth gasped. She ran up to Piper and asked, "Are you okay?!"

Then, she covered her mouth and pointed at an unconscious Hazel. "Is she..." Leo dropped her on the ground like a sack of potatoes. She fell with a massive thud. "Levesque? Naw, she's fine, just unconscious."

Both girls watched Leo with wide eyes. Half his face was bleeding, blood pouring down his face from his forehead to his chin, his hair was blown back, probably from explosion impact, and some strands of his hair were on fire. His clothes looked like they'd been through a flaming paper shredder.

But that wasn't why they were shocked. Leo shrugged, "What?" Piper pointed at Hazel. "You just dropped Hazel on the ground like she is a sack of potatoes! You could've fractured his skull!" Leo threw his hands up in exasperation. "Well I'm sorry! She's fine!
We're demigods! Ever heard of I don't know-AMBROSIA OR NECTAR?!

Pluto and Aphrodite walked in, sad and ashamed. The worst part, Jupiter flew through the portal holding Jason if his arms. His head was limp and his walked bleeding all over. Tears formed in my eyes. I sheathed Riptide. Jupiter said, "There were wild monsters and Krios came. Jason told me to take care of the monsters while he settled an old score with his old nemesis he slew in the Titan War, Krios. I obliged and attached the minatours.

A little kid screamed, a girl that looked around 6 or 7. She was cornered by a minatour, sadly, he whole family killed in the chaos. Jason heard the scream and stopped battling. E ran to the girl's aid. He threw the minatour into the air and blasted him with lightning a classic move. Titan Krios saw this as an advantage. He said, 'Goodbye Jason Grace' and sunk his newly made Imperial Gold claws into his back.

Imperial Gold and Celestial Bronze are deadly to Olympian figures, demigods, and monsters alike. His cuts instantly started to steam. The deeper Krios pushed the more Jason's wounds steamed. He savagely said, 'Get your dirty claws outta my body' and ripped Krios's hand out of his back. The steam got darker and he....." Jupiter lifted Jason Grace's limp body. Hera flew over and transformed into Juno. She felt his neck for a pulse.

She pulled away and whispered, "It-It cannot be......" She lowered her head. Gaea smiled. "Titan Krios his been with King Tartarus, the pit God. We all know that Tartarus is a place and a being. He is a prison were monsters go after they die, only to return through the Doors of Death. Krios has trained with Tartarus since last Summer.

That would be almost 1,000 days of non-stop hardcore training. Though weaker than a giant, the Titan has become a true savage hardcore warrior. Nothing on Mount Olympus or on Earth, even the Mare Nostrum aka Mediterranean scares a Titan who has been through Tartarus. The child's fate was sealed."

Leo Valdez yelled, "Jason Grace and I were in Tartarus just 3 weeks ago. We battled freaking Porhpyrion! The king of the GIANTS in the realm of the pit God. King Tartarus is weak. Now Percy Jackson! That's a warrior! Now Jason Grace! That's a warrior! Now Leo Valdez, Super McShizzle Mega Bad Boy Supreme!! That's a spanking war machine! That's why I am going to slay you with my bare hands, Gaea! Did you enjoy being a glass target practice dummy? Because after Jason's death, I'm gonna do way worse. You can bet on it."

A tornado of fire, a hurricane of lava, an inferno hotter than the Sun started to swirl around Leo. Leo was using his powers to make sure our bodies stay at regular temperature, because the Sun is far away and it gives us bad sunburn. Leo was hotter than the Sun and he was merely 10 feet away. Pretty Cool Powers if you ask me.

He lifted off the ground. Kronos pulled at his Imperial Gold chestplate. "Aye Porphyrion! Did it just get hot in here or is it me?" Porphyrion tugged at the neck of his Celestial Bronze chest plate as well. "Saturn you fool! It is the Son of Vulcan using his powers of fire upon us. Enceladus, who breathes flames hotter than Festus Dragon, was even sweating. "Oh Good Gaea!! Turn down the heat!!" He tried to stomp on Leo but he got even hotter. He was so bright, even the sunshades I was wearing couldn't handle it.

He hit Gaea with his battlehammer once. "This is for Esperanza!" He hit her again. "For Jason Grace!" He her her a third time. "For Camp Half-Blood! For Camp Jupiter!" He hit her the hardest time and she crumpled to dust. "For everything. He turned toward the other Titans and Giants. "C'mon bros, lets save all of us some trouble. No need for more chit chat then needed." He fists started glowing and caught on fire. "Gaea is done. Who's next?"

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