Mega Bad Boy Supreme

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I was walking into a dark alley wearing a greasy stained plain whites tee, black joggers, suspenders, my tool belt, and my leather workboots. I hands were stuffed I'm my pockets and I had sunshades on. I heard the sound of guys laughing and high fives talking place. I kept walking and saw about 10 to 12 sturdily built thugs graffiting some dumpsters and the back wall of a hospital. That's just not right.

"Aye guys! Stop that!" They turned and their faces changed. Respect. "Aww man! Your Leo Valdez, the ultimate criminal who stole a pair of Kobes and demolished a cop car and a helicopter plus a Lamborghini and got away alive! You're awesome, man!!" They clapped. "Thank you, thank you! Now, if you'd please hand over the cans." They frowned uneasily and the tallest, burliest one said, "Sorry, your Awesomeness, but we can't."

They call me your Awesomeness like a citizen calls a King your Majesty. Sweet! If I could get them to call me the Mega Bad Boy Supreme...

I spoke up. "Why not? Aren't you fans of Leo Valdez, the Mega Bad Boy Supreme?" He answered, "Of course we are your fans, your Supremeness, but even a bad boy supreme of your position and stature can't overrule our orders. The master thug gave us orders to graffiti the back of this hospital and it's dumpsters." The nodded sadly. "Sorry, Leo."

"Just who is this 'Master Thug' you speak of?" A voice echoed from a little further down the alleyway. The thugs bid behind the dumpster cowering in fear though they were all ripped and would probably wrestle a bear of lion or tiger head on. I turned to the voice.
I saw a man with a black suit with the sleeves ripped off twirling his mustache evily.

He had a tattoo of a fedora with a knife lying next to it on back of his shoulders. And he was wearing a black fedora with knife sticking outta it. He had a nasty scar that went from his forehead through to his bottom lip. He grinned. My eyes widened. The stabbed fedora, the double tatoos, the signature scar. This was the master thug all over the news.

Wanted in 38 states, and his followers were called the Mad Dawgs. This was Madhouse. "Madhouse, the master thug, and you..." I motioned toward the hiding thugs. "Are the Mad Dawgs." Madhouse called his hands delightedly. "Very good, Mega Bad Boy Supreme. We know alot about you Leo Valdez. Have you come to join the Mad Dawgs?

I am the Madhouse Writer. This isn't my description on how I look and I'm not a thug. I just thought Mäðhøû§€ would be a cool criminal edgy name. Anyways.......
____________________________________ Back to the story!!______________________________________

"No, I've come to stop the Mad Dawgs from graffiting this building and besides, I work solo, bro." Madhouse pretended to be offended and put his hand on his chest. "Would you really have my gang defy my own orders? Oh, Leo. The Mad Dawgs are loyal, and you are not one of us." He pulled his knife out of his fedora and spun it inbetween his fingers.

"No need for hostality. You saw me blow up three police vessels and a Lamborghini in 45 minutes, right? Since we all play the same criminal game, I don't want to make even more enemies, but if you engage..." I cracked my knuckles. "Well, you'll have to find out." I lowered my sunshades so Madhouse could see my eyes. I was serious.

He barked. "Mad Dawgs!!" The hiding thugs automatically ran into place and formed a circle around me, Madhouse directly in front of me. I am a Hephaestus kid. Lemme show em what I can do, I thought. "One last chance! Drop the cans!" "Fat chance, Valdez! You're super cool but we don't take our orders from you!" Madhouse snared, "Shut it!!"

I nodded. "Okay, I gave you a chance." I pulled my battlehammer out of my belt and whacked 3 thugs in a row in the face. I tripped to and whacked them on their backs. I dropped my hammer and kicked two and punched three. I grabbed another two heads and banged them together. Madhouse was staring at me with interest, knife in hand.

I picked up my battlehammer and bashed him hard on top of his head. I swung at his stomach but he anticipated the trick. He dodged and stabbed me in the stomach with way to much agility for one of his size and shape, not to mention his age. 45? 50? Blood soaked his dagger as he pulled it out and blood spread on my shirt around where I was stabbed. The others stood and watched the battle. They didn't try to help, confident I would lose.

"This is a valuable lesson kids!" I said to the thugs. "The thing about me is I like to play with fire. Don't try this at home!" I pulled a bottle of gasoline and broke at against the wall of the dumpster. I pulled out a match and used my Hephaestus powers to light it. I threw the match at the dumpster covered in the gas. "Run!!" Madhouse yelled. "Hit the floor!" Yelled another. But it was too late. It exploded massively!

Madhouse and the Mad Dawgs were coughing lying on the floor. I stood over Madhouse and picked up the cans they used. I spray painted 'Valdez was here' on the back of his suit and crossed my arms with a smug smile. Sirens of cop cars filled the air, distant, but getting louder quickly. He looked at me with mixed anger and pride in me. His eyes seemed to say, 'Next time' and he woofed. "Mad Dawgs!! Let's move!!" They ran through the alleyway into the darkness.

I set my hand on fire and dropped a fire ball on the ground, covering the whole alley in fire. I ran to Camp Jupiter. Wait till Jason hears this! Next stop after that: Half-Blood. Percy would be ecstatic. I ran into the dark, Valdez Life #MegaBadBoySupreme

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