Tartarus and the Underworld

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Leo Valdez POV

I awoke on a floor. A green river of bubbling acid beside me. The three headed guard dog, Cerberus, I think, was glaring at me. I stood and looked at my hands. No blood. I took off my shirt and talky celestial bronze scar was gone, like Jason never stabbed me. Then, I realized that this is my spiritual, eternal being. It can't be harmed. Judging by the acid river and the guard dog, I'm guessing I'm in the domain of Hades, King of the Underworld, God of Death.

I walked past the dog to what looked like a court. I walked in and jumped in one of the chairs of the jury. I kicked meh workboots on the table and took out my battlehammer. I set it ablaze and threw it. On fire, since I have power over fire, I can summon it to me. So I urged the flaming hammer to come back to me and it flew straight to my palm like something Thor would do if he got into the Underworld.

I did that for a while. Then, three glowing old ladies with baseball bats floated over to three Judge posts, with the thingy for witnesses and the mini hammer that they use when they yell, "Order!!!" I smiled at my large battlehammer. The grannies would be jealous.
They all took a post. They tapped their bats on the table and they disappeared. They stared right at me with glowing eyes in a shade of white and gold. One smiled brightly and stood up. She clapped her hands and pointed at me. "Esylium!" Spelling anyone?!

The second one scowled and said, "We haven't even heard his case?" "WE ARE THE FATES!" The second one retorted, "To King Tartarus with you, Leo Valdez! Tartarus, the God of the pit, could teach you some manners!" I don't like that one. The third one stood. "No, neither the Esylium or the pits of Tartarus's wrath will do." I stood up and put out the fire on meh hammer. I slipped it into my tool belt and said, "What?"

At the same time, the first and second said, "What?"

The third said, "We are the Fates. We all know Valdez can't die. He has work to do back in the real world. He is destined in prophecy he is to be the Slayer of Gaea, mother of the Titans, Cyclopes, and the rising Giants. I grinned. "Great, so you'll let me live again?"

"Well, you have to prove you are worthy."

"Ya know what? No doubt! Take me to King Tartarus, the God of the pit. I'll kill the one who took me here. Jason Grace. I know Percy killed him." Just for affect, I hovered a couple feet over the ground with a swirling inferno around me. "I am Leo Valdez." I said firmly. "Slayer of Jason Grace. Watch out Gæa, because you're next!!" The Fates nodded. The first smiled. "Gaea is a fool for messing with you, Mega Bad Boy Supreme." She winked and waved her hand. Then, I was in Tartarus.

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