Quest to Olympus: Part III....

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The chariot took a stop for the night to rest. Everyone was sleeping soundly except Leo. He just couldn't sleep.

Leo awoke in the middle of the night. He sat up and rubbed his head. Jason slept hugging his lightning bolt like a girl bugs her teddy bear. Percy slept with his Trident like a husband sleeping with his wife. He scratched the back of his neck and ran his fingers through his long uncontrolled hair. "Aye Leosuit, what time is it?"

The Imperial Gold disk in his toolbelt started glowing, probably restarting all its awesome programs. The disk answered, "lєσ ѕuít hєrє. wєlcσmє lєσ. ít'ѕ 12:42 αt níght. íѕ αnчthíng wrσng?" Leo answered, "No, no. Power down. I was just thinking about something." The disk when dark, shutting down all its programs. He sighed and strayed from the campfront. He sat by the lake as the cold water rushed by.

"Ah, Calypso..." He sighed and took off his shirt. He was a mess. He was a big mess. He washed all the grime and muck out of his hair, off his face, and off his body. He had no other clothes and his clothes he were wearing dirty beyond any amount of scrubbing.
So, he took out the Leosuit disk. He pressed it to his chest and the robotic suit formed around his body, custom fitting to his dimensions.

That was the thing about Leosuit. You could be completely naked and while wearing Leosuit, nobody has to know. "Leosuit, Ima be wearing you till we get to a department store." Then, Leo remembered that Leosuit had told him when he was first introduced, that he could provide Leo with anything he needed, even a mustard and belony sandwich.

"Leosuit, Ima need a denim jacket, plain white shirt, black joggers, and a sensible designer pair of high tops made of pure gold." Leo thought he pushed his luck on the last request, but the shoes materialized in front of him. He took off Leosuit and put on the shirt and joggers. It was cold, but he decided not to put on the jacket. He was actually muscular since Camp Half-Blood, and the short sleeved tee showed off his guns.

He grinned and flexed, "Yeah!" He made bee bee gun sounds. He put on his pure gold shoes. It was real hard gold, but they felt comfortable and completely natural. He tied them and stood up and jumped. He Iris-Messaged Calypso. She answered! It showed Calypso barefoot in a ragged dress with a gag in her mouth. He saw Titan Kronos holding,- Leo almost gagged. He was holding the same scythe he used to kill his father Ouranous.

It had dry Ichor on it. Kronos saw the opened Iris Message and walked up to the screen. He laughed and saw it was nighttime. "Come, Valdez. If you want your beloved to see another day, come face me alone. And come alone. Oh yes, and--" Leo replied. "For a Titan who rules the world, you're pretty needy. What, want me to bring you some Starbucks too?" Kronos answered, "actually, that would be nice, but I can wait to get my own."

"And bring your weapons so I can destroy them. TK out!" Leo thought about Kronos's requests. He couldn't hand over the Roman Eagle Standard. Or Roughtide. Or Zeus's Master Bolt. Or Katoptris. Or the Drakon Bone sword. Or the enchanted spatha. And especially not LEOSUIT! That thing was freaking MAJESTIC! If this was a cartoon, you would see a lightbulb turn on above his head. "I got it!" He yelled. Then, he saw his friends sleeping.

He whispered, "I got it!" He opened the chariot's trunk and pull all the Celestial Bronze weapons and but them in a sack and slung it over his shoulder like Santa. "Your welcome for preventing the Dark Prince Titan Kronos from destroying your relics. It's no trouble at all!" He ran into the night.

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