Our Last Stand....

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"C'mon, Hades! You gotta bring Jason back from the dead. You were there. He died to save a little girl from a minatour. Her whole family died. She could've died and nothing would've happened. But Jason didn't care. A life is a life. That Titan Krios guy killed him unfairly in cold blood. That's just not right, man!"

Hades stared daggers at Leo.

"That's not right, man! No, no, no! I meant that's not right Lord!"

"Leo Valdez, rules are rules. Your heart is in the right place but-"

"But what?" Leo threw his hands up in the air. "Do you want him here?!"

"Of course I do, but I don't write the rules, I just obey them."

Leo stomped on the ground and his whole body caught on fire.

"You are the God of Death, Hades! If you don't write the rules then who does?!"

Annabeth grabbed his arm but quickly pulled away and sucked on her singed finger. "Leo, please. What Hades says goes. He rules over Thatanos, and Thatanos can take souls by touching their hearts. Just imagine what he could do to you got him angry. He isn't worth the trouble." Titan Krios grinned. He scraped his claws on the ground.

Every one covered their ears at the sound of the screeching. Krios stopped. "Mwhahaa! Your precious Jason Grace is probably suffering in the Fields of Punishment for all the monsters he has killed over the years. Ha! And now...The gods will feel the warth.....Of.......KRIOS!!!!!! He jumped up and landed in front of Leo.

He flexed his clawed fingers.

"Scared yet, Valdez?"

Leo's body stopped flaming. "Oh please. I just took out freaking Gaea. You aren't any scarier than a spider hanging from the roof of my room. Try me Mr. Tough Guy. I've been arrested 7 times in 2 days, have a criminal record, wanted in 47 of the 50 United States of America. I've also battled Ares and Kronos, long story, and been to Tartarus and back." He cracked his knuckles.

"Arrogant fool! You are as foolish as Hephaestus. In fact, even more foolish because even the Gods fear their parents the Titans. Heck, Saturn is Jupiter's father!"

"I'm Greek, remember."

Krios bend down and talked slowly like he was talking to a baby. "My apologies. Son of Hephaestus. Let me start over. Arrogant fool! You are as foolish as Hephaestus. In fact, even more foolish because even the Gods fear their parents the Titans. Heck, Kronos is Zeus's father!" Leo nodded in understanding.

Krios snarled, "I'd continue but like you said, No more chit chat then necessary. He threw a wickedly sharp talon at Percy's neck and it sliced it open. He gasped midshout and fell the the floor, dead. Riptide's glow went dark like a night light out of batteries.

Annabeth screamed, "Percy!

Krios stepped on Hazel and bit Piper. He threw Annabeth against the wall of the Palace of Olympus and Leo could've swore he heard all her bones crunch. She fell to the floor dead. Frank Zhang was petrified and transformed into a tiger. He leaped at the Titan but Krios caught him mid air and threw him through the portal to Manhattan. He spiraling body missed the roof of the Empire State Building and he fell all the way down. Leo winced.

"Now......I have taken the ones you love as my mother took Esperanza from you. All your friends are dead at my hand. All the Gods of Olympus have retreated."

Leo sighed. "Well...I don't know what to say. As a criminal, I mess up, but I will work hard to make things right." Krios sharpened his last throwing talon and aimed it at Leo's heart. With deadly aim, he threw the projectile at Leo while he flew at the Titan bare handed on fire. As the talon pierced Leo's heart, Krios laughed and bellowed, "Join your brethren in the Underworld Leo Valdez! Your time here is done." The gods surrendered. The giants and Titans had won. Gaea was reawakening.

The great Jason Grace and Percy Jackson were dead. The rest of the Prophecy Seven League were dead at his side. The seven were dead. The gods surrendered. The giants and Titans had won. Gaea had reawakened. Leo had about 4 more seconds of life. Leo coughed blood as his wound steamed. "This....is not the end." Leo was dead. His body fell.

Armageddon had started. King Tartarus was in the mortal world with Gaea at her side and the Titans and Giants in Olympus. Gods were marked war criminals. And as I said again....




Aye guys! This is not the end of the novel. The rest of this book will rip your brain out and put it back in. Your mind will be blown, remade, and blown again. It will be a real page turner. Leo will come back to the real world. He will return and he will finally find the others. He....well, don't wanna spoil this. Lemme just say. Leo won't come back from the dead as easily as he did the last time......well, thanks for reading so far. Let's just call this a...season finale if you will. The next chapters will be epic times 10. Thanks, guys! TheMadhouseWriter out!!!! Peace guys!! Enjoying it so far?
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