Percy Jackson: Hunter and Rescuer!!

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Percy Jackson POV

It was morning, and I stood at the head of the ping pong table, Riptide sheathed and raised, full battle armor on. "I sent an Iris Message to Leo." I proclaimed. "He answered, but it was quickly shut off. I saw clear green plains with a MASSIVE amount of Ichor on the ground. Nico, you can sense mass death and battles, correct?" Nico stepped out of my shadow. That guy could be creepy. Really Creepy. "Yeah," he said in a raspy voice. He cleared his throat. "Excuse me, Mhmm, Four Cyclopes have died in the Kansas plains. Probably Leo and Jason defending themselves.

"Okay." I rose my sword, Celestial Bronze glowing. "Get me Blackjack, Annabeth! Connor, my helmet, wait! Never mind, I won't need it. Help Annabeth get me my Pegasus. I will embark across Kansas and bring Leo back here, alive!" I sheathed my sword. It transformed back into a pen and I stuffed it into my pocket. I put on my sea blue cape with the logo of a trident on it. Annabeth and Connor Stoll came with meh Pegasus, Blackjack.

Blackjack reared as I climbed on. I urged my Posiedon power into him because my dad is also King and God over horses, and pegusi are winged horses. "Now, you can walk and breathe underwater." And we took the skies. Within an hour, I was soaring over Leo and Jason. "Blackjack, support." I jumped off the horse, freefalling with my sword sheathed toward Jason. "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!"

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