Our Last Stand...Twodux

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previously on Leo Valdez: Criminal Life....

*Super cool anonymous flashback of last chapter begins*

Calypso had been convincing Leo to let her tag along on the way to Olympus for the Final Showdown Battle. She stabbed her celestial bronze sword into one dummy and flung it at the second. Her swordsman play was gettin' GOOD! She wiped some sweat off her brow and ran up to Leo. She panted and strapped her sword to her back and put her hands on her knees to balance herself.

Calypso said, "Leo Valdez, I have successfully completed the task you have assigned in this art of demigod ass-kickery." Leo sat motionless staring off into the distance squinting even though it was a brisk afternoon and the Sun wasn't even in his eyes. He said in an old, raspy voice, "Yes, yes...Ah ha! You have come far young grasshopper, but not far enough. To be worthy of the master, you must defeat the master."

Leo stood and faced Calypso and his battlehammer flew to hand and it caught on fire. He grinned and returned to his normal voice. "Yeah, we gon' battle, but I'll go easy on you, cuz it's your first ti--" Before Leo could complete his sentence, Calypso tripped him and held the blade to his neck. She said, "No, master. The grasshopper can never know how far he can leap if he isn't tested." Leo said, "In English please?" Calypso translated. "Fine. Pretty much in English....no mercy!"

Leo did and flip and landed on his feet, righting himself. His hammer flew from the floor to his hand. Calypso yelled a battle cry and they battled. Leo wasn't gonna lie. She was good. Her fighting techniques were impeccable yet she fought in a frenzy like a sack of angry cats. Leo had to try a little harder to keep up. The battle ended as a stalemate. The others had been watching the whole thing. Jason bowed at Calypso. "Good work, wise grasshopper." Annabeth looked at him uncertainty. "Yeah...no. Uh uh. It doesn't work when you say it Jason. Leo does it better."

Frank laughed and took a bite outta his apple. That guy was somehow ALWAYS EATING AN APPLE!!! "We have more important things to think about." Percy stepped forward. "How so?" Annabeth spoke up. "For one, two Dark Gods and 3 Titans have attacked us so far." Jason added, "All our battles have been Titan related. Not complaining, but, Giants are much, MUCH stronger than Titans. Why would Gaea send the weaklings after us?"

Leo answered ,"Simple. She thinks we are weak. She thinks that the Titans could handle us, and if they could, why waste the more powerful Giants?"

Frank countered, "Or the Titans could be the appetizer for the main course to come."

"Appetizers? Main course? I'm talking battle not brunch, Frank," Percy said as he took a bite outta his blue croissant.

Hazel pointed at the croissant in Percy's hand and put her hands on her hips. "I wouldn't be talking, Jackson." Percy pointed at Riptide in his other hand.

"Dis you just save us all from Titan Kronos? Huh...I guess we are even."

Hazel clenched her fist and some jewels popped from the ground.

Annabeth noticed. "Aye, stop that. Now isn't the time to be at each others' necks. We can only take down Gaea if we work together. C'mon. We are in Manhattan. The battle with Kronos was 2 weeks ago. Percy, we are thankful, but no need to remind us right now."

"C'mon Wise Girl, call me Seaweed Brain. You know you want to." Percy said with a smile.

"Let's survive today first Seaweed Brain. The portal to Olympus lies just beyond the Empire State Building." She pointed at the spiraling portal. Some kids had seen Leo and Calypso battle. One said, "Whoa, you aren't gonna battle against the Head Mistress are you?"

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