Olympians: The Big Three

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GUYS!!! This is the 1st OLYMPIAN  POV IN LEO VALDEZ: Criminal Life!!! Enjoy :{D

Lord Hades POV

"Thatanos!!" I walked up to my first lieutenant in death. "Why do I have a son in Tartarus?!" Thatanos answered, "Don't despair, my Lord. Gaea temporarily took over the Doors of Death, but I-" I bellowed, "Gæa did what?!" I grabbed a sword off the table. "Oh, this can't be good. I teleported to Athens, the place where monsters spawn most.

Leo Valdez POV

I flew toward these Fancy black elevator doors though they weren't connected to anything. Nico, who had stopped cursing said, "The Doors of Death." I replied, "My date with Destiny." Nico frowned and nodded. "No, Thatanos is the essence of Death, and I can't sense him here. It smells like...kinda like King Porhpyrion's stench times 12." I nodded. "Twelve giants in one place, before the Great Giant War even begins? Yeah right, Nico."

I descended. I looked up at Jason. The glowing red eagle on his shirt was flashing in Morse code. It was saying....J-U-P-I-T-E-R. Okay..his dad's talking. G-I-A-N-T'-S B-A-N-E. A-R-M-Y.

A message from his dad warning us about an army of Giants. "Nothing gonna keep me from ripping Gæa's face off. Ill fight all twelve of Gaea's precious son, the giants. I already slayed their eldest, most powerful brother, King Porphyrion right. How hard can their weaker brethren be?" I walked through the Doors. Gaea stood with a sleepy face, her arms stretched wide with 6 giants on each side of her. Her mouth didn't move but she was half conscious because her voice echoed in my mind. "It will be this hard." All the giants charged all with weapons 10 times longer than me.

I tossed up my battlehammer 2.0. "Aww $@$/#7$!" I yelled. One with Fiery armor, Encleadus I believe laughed and said, "Watch your mouth, Valdez! The only waste we need is not from your mouth, but from your very veins." I retorted, "If I have the Blood of Olympus, the very holy blood you need, Why do you call it waste?"  A power of my hammer is that no one can lift it but me. Even giants. I threw it at Gaea. She tried to get up but my hammer pinned her down.

"GAEA!" The giants yelled. "Don't despair mother!" Porphyrion grabbed my hammer with two fingers and strained. Encleadus and Perboia pushed him aside. "The eldest can't lift a toothpick!" They also tried and failed. I casually walked over and lifted the hammer with ease. There was a moment of silence. Jason scratched the back of his neck. "Well, this is awkward. He blasted Perboia with his master bolt and threw Ivlivs at Encleadus's forehead.

I flew up and kicked Polybotes in the face and whacked Porhpyrion in the face with my hammer. Nico yelled at battle cry and stabbed Thoon, the Fates's destroyer, in the chest and kicked a meaty cleaver out of his hand. Reyna pulled out a sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. I remember her saying something about pirate training. She ran up to the two shorter than the others. They were twins with vipers and pythons for feet. Otis and Euphrates I think.

She stabbed Otis with the dagger and Euphrates with a sword. They wailed in pain. We were actually making progress. I knocked out Polybotes and Porhpyrion. Jason stunned Encleadus and Perboia. Nico lethality wounded Thoon and Reyna almost knocked out the twins. Okay...[1(6)]+1 equals...7 giants. 12-7=5 giants to go. The remaining 5 took us down. Each giant took one of us down except for me. 2 brought me down.

"Aahh!" Nico shouted. The ground around him exploded an undead warriors burst from the Earth. No, Gaea is over there. Not the Earth, the soils of Tartarus. That's better. The warriors weren't doing much damage. It seems to tickle them more than hurt them. Then, a spear produced outta Porhpyrion's chest plate, covered in Ichor. He wailed in pain. I saw Hades holding the spear motioning toward the Giant with his eyes. He was seeming to silently say, Finish him Valdez. Don't got all day.

I nodded and headbutted Porphyrion in his forehead, though his forehead is larger than my body alone. The second my skull hit his, he dissipated into dust. Gaea waving her hand and he reformed. Gaea ripped the spear from Hades's hand, eyes still closed, as if she was sleepwalking. She threw it aside and kicked him in the chest. "Dad!" Nico yelled. Gaea's words echoed through.all of Athens. "A bold attempt, my grandson, Hades, but ineffective."

She began to rise. "My sons, the giants, will reign as the Kings of Chaos!!!" The building began to rumble. "And the lineage of the Gods, Greek and Roman wil end...right...here!!!!" A long vine of poisonous weeds projected from her hand. Hades rolled to the side but the vine followed and wrapped around his neck. Nico shrieked, "No!!!!!!!!!"

Then, a door banged open and a flood of water burst in. Polybotes yelled. "Sea God!" Posiedon ran in and swung his trident like a baseball bat. A wave of water copied his movements and swept all the giants off their feet. Percy ran in next to him, holding Riptide. He saw me and grinned. Then, he saw half of my face was bleeding and winced. Finally, he saw Jason and scowled, tightening the grip of his blade's hilt.

Zeus, no, Jupiter, Jason's a Roman, flew in holding the real master lightning bolt. He threw it in Perboia's chest. She gasped as Jason kicked he'd in the face as she turned to dust. Polybotes tried to retreat but I flew and grabbed the back of his neck and tackled him to floor. I raised my fiery battlehammer and struck him hard. Hephaestus jumped through the roof directly on his head. He yawned and flicked the giant's forehead. Polybotes turned to dust.

Bellona, or whatever her name is, the Roman Goddess of War rode in on a Pegasus. No. The Pegasus. She stabbed Otis and Euphrates and Reyna threw her blades. One hit each of the twins. The dissipated. Nico was battling with Thoon while Gaea fought Hades. "Dad!!" Nico yelled. Hades stared at me. "Help him." I said. "I got Queen Dirt Face. It's my date with Destiny." I threw my hammer at her chest and pinned her to the ground. "You can't contain me..." her words echoed in my brain.

"I am the Earth, and the Earth has sand." Gaea whispered. She turned into sand and separated from under the hammer. The sand reformed and made her physical form again. "It also has mountains, child." Her hands turned into mini jagged mountain tops. She punched me and I kicked her second hand away.

I did a backflip and righted myself. She laughed and muttered softly. "If you slay me, the world will crumble beneath your feet. The whole world. That would leave all mortals gasping for breath as my essence floats through the universe looking for a gravitational field greater than myself. Would you like that, Leo?"

"Uh..Gaea, shut up." Her sleeping face scowled but was still beautiful. I hate that. She turned into sand and I blasted her with fire. She turned into glass. A glass Gaea statue. Nice. I can keep it in my room for target practice. I could use some practice with a bow. Will, an Apollo kid, could teach me. Her voice said, "What, no. I can't be contained!"

"I thought I said shut up! This is for Esperanza Valdez!!" I whacked Gaea on the head with her head and she literally shattered like glass. Cuz she was glass. All the piles of giant dust blew away in the air. Percy was leaning on Riptide like a cane.

He was first first to speak up. "So Jason, Reyna, you still wanna kill this guy?" He pointed at meh. Jason was panting heavily is Ichor on his shirt. "Actually..." he kept panting. "Consider yourself a-" he and Reyna said at the same time. "Freeman." I grinned. "Thanks, Grace. Uncle Leo's proud you came to your senses. Welcome to the winning team."

Jason smiled. "And what team would that be. Percy, Nico, and I said at the same time. "Team Leo. Our motto, all da ladies luv Leo!" We all punched our fists into the air. "Huzzah!!!"

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