He's Back! Valdez once more...

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TheSupremeWriter Note:

xD I'm such a jerk. Leo Valdez: Criminal Life already ended! He isn't back guys. I just want to advertise three of my best selling Wattpad Books (They aren't best selling, don't even have 1,000 reads, but best selling sounds cool lol)

My Three Books:

Heroes of Olympus: Supreme Style -- My least popular novel, 215 reads, ppl barely read it, but comments tell me it's Dope so...thanks and keep reading

Leo Valdez: Criminal Life -- My most popular book, 1.76K reads, many read it, love it, and can't stand if I go one day without updating, completed and I hear it's Dope saw well, so read it and Enjoy demigods, Greek and Roman

The Forgotten Ones... -- My only novel that isn't a Heroes of Olympus fan fiction. It'd about...Naw, I ain't saying. You gotta read it to find out. 1 read xD but if I need more than 1 read, the SupremeArmy has to step up and...




Wait, I just realized...that's 3 books, not 2 xDDDDD Ight guys...

PEACE DEMIGODS! TheSupremeWriter out!!!

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