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Percy woke up in an underwater palace. He sat up and looked around. He saw Riptide. He picked it up. He uncapped it and instead of transforming into a celestial bronze sword, It turned into a celestial bronze trident. The trident was much longer and larger, so Percy screamed like a little girl and let go of it. Then when he got his courage up, he urged the power of the ocean and the trident floating through the water to his hand. "Whoa!" Percy touched one of the sharp prongs of the trident. "UPGRADE!" He touched the middle prong.

It transformed into its classic mode, the sword. "What? Uh...Open seasame!"
Poseidon walked up behind him. That's not gonna work, my son. "Trident, now!" Riptide turned into the trident mode. "Pen, now!" It turned into a pen. "Sword, now!" It turned into its classic mode. Percy replied, "Whoa.." He wondered if all Olympian Relics had voice command. He also wondered if it always had a trident mode.

"I made some...uh...upgrades to Riptide. The sword is Riptide. The trident is Roughtide. You can say 'Roughtide' or 'Riptide' to alter the modes."

"Thanks dad but, how's Annabeth and shouldn't I be dead?"

"Annabeth Chase is with Athena and Yes. But I recovered your life force 2nd revived you. It was risky, but I injected Ichor into your veins to finish the job. You may have more Ichor in your veins now, but you are still not immortal."

"I have no interest in immortality. Zeus once offered me the choice of Immortality in Olympus or Mortality on Earth with Annabeth. I chose Annabeth. But I though Gaea captured you, dad."

"Oh, no. She used her powers and cast all the Olympians off to different parts of the Earth. I found my way back to Olympus and saw you lying on the floor with a talon lodged in your neck. I knew I had to act quickly. You see, the Dark Legion of Tartarus and Gaea has taken over the world. The mortals now know and fear Gaea. Now, they are finally praying to the Olympians. Just look at my shrine!" More gifts materialized out of thin air piling around the shrine.

Every monster you ever slew is back from Tartarus, because he now rules as King of Olympus. The Dark King has no intention of ruling over mortals. They aren't of much worth when seen through the eyes of a being like him. He would much rather rule over gods and heroes. Gaea said he could rule over both. Of course he obliged. Even prehistoric monsters such as the Trojan Sea Monster that Jason Grace destroyed."

"The minatour that almost annihilated your friend, Grover Underwood. All of them. Hades refuses to bring back the Argonauts and the Original Jason and the Original Perseus. He also refused to bring back the heroes of history such as Achilles and Heracles. Let history repeat itself. The Heroes of Greece killed them one. They could do it again."

Roughtide stopped glowing. Percy quickly picked it up. "What happened?"

Posiedon answered, "A Dark One of Gaea is near. Prepare for battle my son."

A hydra burst through the doors leading into the throne room. The beast bellowed. Percy yelled a battle cry and ran at the beast. It multiple heads snarled into an evil grin and two of its heads bashed Percy in the middle. He floated down. He yelled, "Riptide!" and cut off one of the hydra's heads. Another two grew its place. Percy cursed. He had forgotten the legends of the magnificent beast. "Roughtide!" He screeched. He urged the water to propel him at the beast and he shot at the hydra at a rocket's speed.

He stabbed the trident deep into the creature. He ripped it out and the hydra's wound started to steam. The hydra looked at Percy like 'how?' Percy replied, "Roughtide and Riptide are made of celestial bronze." As if on cue, the place where Percy had cut of the head started to steam. The creature toppled on its side and hissed. Percy threw Roughtide aside and clenched his hand into a fist. "See you in the funny pages, beast."

Percy punched the beast and it turned to dust. Percy used the water to spiral the dust so the hydra couldn't reform and casted it out. For 2 hours, Posiedon and Percy talked and Posiedon explained how he could find his friends and how to stop the Dark Legion.

"When close to a demigod, it will glow." Roughtide's glow was low. Percy aimed the prongs at the door of the throne room and It glowed really bright. Posiedon stood from his throne. "It is glowing. Maybe a brother of mine is here." The door opened and there stood Leo dragging a dead Trojan Sea Monster behind him. "Aye Percy, I brought you a house warming gift." He motioned toward the monster and grinned.

He had a suit like Iron Man's with scuba gear hooked up to it. He had 6 missile launchers attached to each shoulder. "Is it safe the breathe down here?" Posiedon replied, "Yes, Son of Hephaestus, it is." He smiled. Leo pressed the golden core on the middle of his chest. His suit retracted into the core until it was just an Imperial Gold disk. "This thing,"

Leo motioned toward the disk. "Is a Cyber Tech Olympian Battlesuit. His name is Leosuit. He is how I found you. When close to a hero or God-"

Percy and Leo said at the same time, "It glows."

Leo nodded. "Yeah, when close to a member of the Dark Legion of Gaea or Tartarus, it goes dark. You seem familiar with the technology, judging by the way Riptide is glowing."

Percy grinned. "Yeah, but that's not all. ROUGHTIDE!" Riptide transformed into a trident that was 5 feet long! "Whoa! Talk about upgrades. C'mon. We can talk on our way to Utah."

"Utah?" Percy said.

"Utah?" Posiedon said.

"Utah, the location of Frank Zhang. I Iris Messaged Jason. He is going to meet us there as well. From there, or know where Piper, Hazel, and Annabeth are. Now let's go!"

Leo and Percy grabbed their weapons and swam into the deep.

I'm gonna let these words hang in the air:

Gaea nodded. "Yes, we know about the Son of Hephaestus. He is alive and well. Do not engage again, let us see what he can do. When he engages, we shall show him the true might of the Dark Legion of Gaea."

King Tartarus stood. "The Dark Legion of Tartarus will combine forces with Gæa's Dark forces as well and together we will crush the demigod scum."

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