Jason Grace: Friend or foe?

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Leo Valdez POV

"You had Percy follow us?! I thought we were frien-" Percy fell on Jason. Jason stabbed him. Percy stood over Jason and planted his armored high top on Jason's chest. "Sorry, Jason. That blow didn't do anything. I came in full armor." I stopped them. "Percy."

"Yeah, Leo?"

"You fell 200 feet from a flying horse and risked your life for me?"

"Uhh...yeah, pretty much bro."

"Jason and I are cool, now."

"Then why are you still heading toward Camp Jupiter?"

"To ask Reyna if Leo can join Camp Jupiter. He can convert from Hephaestus to Vulcan. He'd be a great Roman." Jason Grace showed Percy and me his left arm. It had the same acronym from his shirt on it. It said SPQR with a soaring eagle under it.

Like a barcode, it had 12 lines indicating 12 years of service at Camp Jupiter. I frowned, "No, I'm not gonna get that seared into my arm, man! Plus, I love the classics. Hephaestus is a classic, while Vulcan is a later knock off version."

Jason looked offended. "Fine Leo. If you don't want to join me...JUPITER!!!" An electric tornado surged around Jason and his blade turned into a replica of Zeus's Celestial Bronze Master Bolt. "Then I'll have to kill you both and feed you to Reyna's attack dogs...personally."

I snarled, "Fine, Grace. Two can play at that game. HEPHAESTUS!!!" A fiery hurricane, a inferno infused tornado started to swirl around me. Percy inquired, "Uhh, how are you guys doing that? You just tell your parent's name? POSIEDON!!!!!!" All the nearby lakes fused into one and spiraled around Percy like water going down a drain. "AWESOME!! This is gonna be like Avatar with the elements!!"

Jason Grace vs Percy Jackson and me, Leo Valdez.
Jason Grace veered to the left and whacked Percy in the face with the bolt. How did Jason get the update to Ivlivs. I stared at the battlehammer in my hand. I envisioned in my mind that it was a hammer like Thor's, but instead of a hammer with lightning power, one with fire powers. Instantly, my battlehammer transformed into Thor's hammer, fire edition.

I swung it downwards and a wave of fire was pushed around me. It was like when a drop of water falls into a bigger mass. It plops and a ring of water ripples around it.

Do you know what I'm talking about here. Hope I described it well enough. Now back to the story. Th€Mãðhöµ§€Wrît€r out!

Percy yelled, "Aye, praetor. I have power over water, and your blood is filled with it." I figured concentrating on water mixed with other liquids inside another guy's body would be hard to focus on, nevertheless control it, but the power of Posiedon surging with him made it easier. "Now, I COMMAND the water in your blood to surge skyward!" Percy yelled and Jason flew into the air. Percy blasted Jason with the water surging around him.

Jason fell, pretending to be baffled, to shocked to react. Then, he suddenly stood and blasted Percy with a ball of lightning. And he got the better end of the deal. Jason threw his Celestial Bronze Master lightning bolt like a javelin right at my gut. It was so deep, I flew it rip through my back. The pain of Celestial Bronze can easily kill demigods.

The pain made me fall to my knees. I grabbed the hilt of the bolt and tried to pull it out, but my wound started to steam. Blood started to sleep from it, and I started to stutter. "Uh...uh..no..." I coughed a little blood. Percy lied on the floor 20 feet away, gripping his gut. "Leo, no!!!" He reached out his hand. I kept sputtering, and continued to say................. "uh..sla...yer..of...Gaea...meh...Destiny..." I tried to stand, but I started to see dark spots. My wound continued to steam. Jason walked up to me and savagely ripped the bolt from my gut. I toppled over in a small puddle of my own blood. "You're next, Perseus, Son of Neptune." Jason aimed the bolt at Percy.

"It's Posiedon, but of course, you'd need a knowledge on Greek and Roman Mythology to know the difference. I'm surprised you made it to praetor without knowing your Mythology, Son of Jupiter." Jason nodded. "You know me as Jason, Son of Jupiter, now, you shall know me as Jason Grace, your destroyer!!" Jason picked up Riptide and snapped it half without even turning it back into a pen. "No!!!!" Percy yelled. Jason unsheated his bolt. "Oh, yes!!!!!! Jason aimed and charged.

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