Tony Stark and Leo Valdez

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Leo woke up. Surprisingly, he was still alive! His last thought was Titan Krios throwing a talon at his heart, killing him. Yet here he was. He sat up. "Huh..where am-" Then he looked around. "Mount Olympus. But how?" He rubbed his head but quickly screamed when he saw his hand was made out of metal. He stood and looked into a broken mirror.

He was wearing a suit like Iron Man's, but their was no head piece. His hair was better than before, and the blood pouring down his face has dried, but had been washed away. His face was spotless. The only difference between the suits was that Tony Stark's is red and gold, but Leo's was black with gold lining and instead of the core glowing blue, Leo's glowed gold. He had seen Jason battling with Thor. Maybe Tony was here.

Wrong. Hephaestus walked up to Leo. "Oh, you are awake." The new voice startled Leo. He quickly turned around and saw his father holding supplies. Hephaestus took a step forward and said, "Calm down, son." Leo didn't notice, but when he looked down, his metal hand had turned into a flamethrower, aimed at his dad.

Leo urged and the flamethrower attached to his wrist turned back into a metal hand. "I thought you gods were in chains."

"Oh no, Gaea used her raw power and casted all the Olympians to a different part of the Earth. I was blasted to Asia, but I made my way back here, to my home, Mount Olympus."

"I should be dead." Leo said

"I found you and saw the talon lodged in your heart. I don't know how it got there, but I recovered it and found it was an invention of Krios. It has his signature scent. Made of pure Imperial Gold, son."

Leo looked at his body. "Am I like...a cyborg or something."

Hephaestus nodded. "No, no. You were in critical condition, so I had to fix the hole in your heart. Now, a little Ichor flows through your veins,but you aren't immortal. Touch the golden core on your chest."

Leo tapped the glowing gold core in the center of his chest. The metal of the suit retracted into it until it was a golden disk attached to his chest. He took the disk off his chest.
Leo grinned. "Whoa, it's like a portable Iron Man suit. Talk about UPGRADE!" He punched his fist into the air. "Thanks, dad!" His whole body caught on fire.

Hephaestus replied, "Easy boy. Calm down."

The fire on Leo's body dissipated.

"Sorry, happens when I'm excited. So where are the others?"

"I only found you when I arrived here, my son."

"So, you have no knowledge where they are."

"They are with their Olympian parents."

"Okay, well where is Posiedon, Zeus, Ares, Athena, Hades, and Aphrodite?"

"It would take too long to tell you. The Dark Legion of Gaea is already in control of the world. To find Percy, Jason, Frank, Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper, explore. Whenever you are close to a God or hero, the golden disk you posses will glow. Whenever you are close to a Dark One of Gaea such as a Titan, Giant, Tartarus, or Gaea herself, the disk will go dark. Do you understand child?"

Leo nodded. "One question. Why is it glowing so brightly now?"

"Because I am a Olympian, and it glows when close to an Olympian or God."

Leo pressed the disk to his chest and the robotic suit formed around his body, custom fitting itself to shape to Leo's body shape. A custom fit. He clenched his fists and flew up. "Which will do me better? My Olympian fire powers, or my 21st century lasers and stuff?"

Leo shrugged and grinned. "Probably a mix of both ancient and new tech." He lifted his hand toward the sky and his battlehammer that looked just like Thor's flew to his hand.
Leo Valdez descended and pressed the disk. It turned back into a disk and he slipped it into his magic tool belt. "But for now, Team Olympian." The disk suddenly went dark.

"Back so soon?" Krios asked. He sharpened another talon. "You just won't die, will you? But I suppose that I could always pierce your heart with excruciating pain again, can't I?" Krios threw the talon but this time, Leo caught it.

"Kill me once, shame on you. But Kill me twice?" Leo ran up and stabbed Krios with his own talon. And like hitting a nail with a hammer, Leo hit the talon with his battlehammer, pushing the projectile deeper into Krios's neck. He started choking as his neck steamed. He crumbled to dust and fell. "Now we're even."

Leo slipped his battlehammer into his magic toolbelt. "Aye, dad?" He turned around but his father was gone. He looked at his disk. He asked the disk, "Aye Leosuit. Why were you created.

The disk answered, "í wαѕ σnlч mαdє tσ prєѕєrvє чσur lífє вєcαuѕє чσu wєrє σn thє vєrgє σf dєαth. í wαѕ α lífє ѕuppσrt fσr чσu. íf í wαѕn't αttαchєd tσ чσu, чσu wσuld'vє pєríѕhєd whєn hєphαєѕtuѕ ínѕєrtєd íchσr íntσ чσur vєínѕ. pluѕ, í cαn lєαd чσu tσ чσur dєmígσd cσmpαníσnѕ. whєrє tσ fírѕt lєσ?" Leo shrugged an answered, "Take me to Posiedon.

"pσѕєídσn íѕ α thє вσttσm σf thє αtlαntíc σcєαn, ín thє kíngdσm pαlαcє σf αtlαntíѕ. чσu muѕt wєαr mє fσr í cαn gívє чσu thє αвílítч tσ вrєαthє undєrwαtєr σn чσur wαч thєrє. thє lєσѕuít díѕk, whích íѕ mє, íѕ dєѕígnєd tσ αíd чσu ín αnчwαч pσѕѕíвlє. ѕσ í wíll gívє чσu σхчgєn tαnkѕ thє whσlє wαч tσ αtlαntíѕ. íѕ thєrє αnчthíng єlѕє í cαn αíd чσu wíth lєσ vαldєz?"

Leo stroked his chin. He shrugged. "Well, I could go for a mustard and belony sandwich right about now. Fighting a Titan of the Dark Legion of Gaea can sure make a guy hungry." A mustard and belony sandwich materialized in his hand. Leo took a bottle of Tabasco sauce out of his belt and drenched his sandwich. He ate it and patted his belly.

"Thanks, But if Gaea has the world under control, she and her husband King Tartarus probably chose Olympus as their place to rule from. They must be in the throne room of the Mount Olympus Kingdom Palace. We should go."

Leo ran and jumped through the portal. On the mortal side of Manahattan, he saw all the billboards either said 'ALL HAIL KING TARTARUS' or 'ALL HAIL GAEA' Leo shuddered. He saw kids walking the street with chains attached to bowling balls on them. Cars were painted black and the houses and skyscrapers and restaurants, any building you could name was glued the the ground by vines and other jungle related things.

Titan Krios POV

I walked before the twin thrones of Olympus seating King Tartarus and Queen Gaea.
I bowed weakly, "Lord Gaea, the Son of Vulcan has escaped."

Gaea threw dirt into the air and it materialized into the shape of a plasma flat screen tv. The screen flickered to life and it showed Leo Valdez holding a Imperial Gold disk of some sort in one hand and a Olympian relic, some sort of battlehammer in the other. The screen went dark.

Gaea nodded. "Yes, we know about the Son of Hephaestus. He is alive and well. Do not engage again, let us see what he can do. When he engages, we shall show him the true might of the Dark Legion of Gaea."

King Tartarus stood. "The Dark Legion of Tartarus will combine forces with Gæa's Dark forces as well and together we will crush the demigod scum."

Leo ran. As a criminal, he was used to it. He stole someone's car and drove to the dock of the Atlantic Ocean. He jumped into the cold raging sea. "Okay, Leosuit! Now, now, now!!!"
The gold disk wrapped into a suit around his body. Two oxygen tanks propelled from his back and he was soon underwater.

"lєσ ѕuít hєrє. lєσ vαldєz, í ѕєnѕє....thє trσjαn ѕєα mσnѕtєr, thє vєrч σnє jαѕσn grαcє ѕlαчєd lαѕt ѕummєr. hє íѕ вαck frσm tαrtαruѕ. чσu wσn't єncσuntєr hím fσr αnσthєr 4 hσurѕ вut í'm juѕt lєttíng чσu knσw. lєσѕuít σut! "

"Roger that Leosuit! Next step, Atlantis!"

Leo swam into the deep in search of Percy.

Leo Valdez: Criminal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now