Sla....yer...of...Gaea...meh...Destiny!!! No.....

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Percy Jackson POV

With meh fatal flaw being ultimate loyalty to others, it really stung when I saw my friend fight between going to Hades in the underworld, or staying in the mortal world.

I strained myself to get to my feet. I threw the remains of Riptide at Leo. "Leo, please fix it." I faced Jason. "Ahhh," the battle cry I yelled as I ran and punched him in the face. Jason toppled over and I quickly stuffed a whole bar of ambrosia in my mouth. That is enough to kill a demigod. But, I get MASSIVELY injured alot, so I built a tolerance.

Where was Blackjack? I told him to get my Greek reinforcements, air support. I thought back. I unsheated Riptide and said, "Blackjack, support." or something like that. The, I stroked his neck and jumped off meh horse from 200 feet in the air. Good thing is, Jason broke my fall.

Jason Grace got up and swung at me. I dodged and kicked him hard. The ambrosia was doing it's job. I felt great and Good as new. We tussled and wrestled for a while. Then, Leo coughed out, "PERCY!" In a raspy voice. He threw a newly fixed Celestial Bronze glowing Riptide at me. I caught it by the hilt, and it felt so right. I rose my sword and did a bunch if cool moves like a samurai ninja.

I was about to slash him across the face when an arrow sailed through the air and punctured Jason in the arm. He wailed in pain. I looked up and saw pegasi in the arch like migrating birds. At the front, Will Solace rode with another arrow nocked in his bow. Nico di Angelo flew down on a black Pegasus and hauled Leo onto his saddle. Legal was moaning badly and couldn't sit straight. Nico cursed. "C'mon Valdez, make Hephaestus proud. If you want to live to fulfill your destiny and slay Gaea, then you gotta survive the trip home." That seemed to get Leo's attention. He coughed and spit some blood. Then he moaned and sat upright.

Nico looked at me. "Blackjack is coming! Hold in there, Jackson. Another 2 minutes for sure...." "Got it, di Angelo! I had some ambrosia. I'm fine! I can hold off the praetor!" I yelled back. Go without me, I'll catch up!" Nico looked unsure. "This Jason guy is unstable and pretty powerful." "Don't sweat it! I can handle myself!" Before he could protest, and slashed Jason across the chest to prove my point. "See Ya at dinnertime, Leo! Hope ya better soon!" Then, Jason and I battled.

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