Jason Grace: Team I

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Jason walked through the streets of Manhattan. Piper stood at his left while Hazel stood at his right. Then, an explosion occurred and a flaming car soared overhead. Hazel quickly clenched her fists and some emeralds popped around from the Earth near her feet. Piper replied, "We are too late..." Her voice trailed off and Jason followed her gaze. The actual real life portal to Olympus was spiraling in a storm cloud over the Empire State Building. The only things more breathtaking were the giants kicked cars and punching airplanes like King Kongs.

"Porphyrion!" Jason yelled as he flew to meet the giant King. "I am Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter, praetor and child of Rome, and I am here to mark your destruction. I slew the Trojan Sea Monster, toppled the Black Throne of Saturn (aka Kronos for you Greeks)
and slew Titan Krios with my bare hands. And now, I am going to slay you Porhpyrion, and feed you to the wolves of the Earth!" The giant bellowed and high fived his other brothers.

"Yes, we remember you, Son of Jupiter, but Saturn was Jupiter's father! And we giants are much, much stronger than Kronos." Piper, who didn't know who Saturn was had a softened expression after he said Kronos. "So Kronos is the Greek Equivalent to Saturn." Jason nodded. "Yes! Very good demigod! You will not have much time for a victory party because I will now smash you into oblivion." The giant jumped off the top of the Empire State Building right toward them.

Then, a figure fell from a storm cloud. It was Thor Odinson, the Avenger. He picked up his mystical hammer Mjhnoir (hard to spell) and whacked the giant in the face as the landed. "Thor!" Thor blasted Porphyrion casually and said, "Yes, I am in good favor with Zeus or who you might know as Jupiter, King of the Gods." Jason's jaw hit the floor. "You have power over lightning. You are the God of Thunder! But if you are a god, are you Greek or Roman?"

Thor nodded. "No, I am not an Olympian God or Greek or Roman heritage. I am an Asgardian God. The Vikings who sailed the seas so long ago were the ones who worshipped me and my brother Loki as well as my father Odin. Now, shall we attack these.....giants." Jason was stunned. He had lightning powers, Thor had lightning powers. He had something in common with an AVENGER!! He had always thought he was just from the movies.

Jason nodded with a grin. "Piper, Hazel, go attack the others, and Thor, I would gladly fight by your side in battle." They both flew off toward the giant King, Porphyrion.

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