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I rushed into my closet with my hair in a bun, trying to find something sexy to wear tonight. "I don't know what to wear" I groaned. 

"Sam, get your butt in a dress NOW. If we don't leave soon we are going to be late" my best friend Kate walks in my room half naked. 

"Shut up, you're barely dressed" I teased her while she stuck her tongue out at me. 

"We need to leave soon, there's these two guys who we are meeting up with and they are HOT" she emphasized 'hot' as she walked up to my face as I looking at my closet. "Let's go slow poke!" Kate slapped my butt in a playful, best-friend type of way.


After about 10 minutes of trying to catch a cab, one stopped for us. "Hey!" the cab driver yelled as he pulled up. "Eric!" I smiled as I got in, I haven't seen this dude for a while. 

Eric was the cab driver who drove me from the airport to my new apartment here in Atlanta. He is always giving me pep talks about how I am 'destined to rule the world one day' which I just laugh at him. Eric has become somewhat of my personal driver. Eric was like an older brother to me since I moved here.

We told him where we were going and he got us there in less than 15 minutes. As I stepped out of his cab I gave him a quick hug and thanked him for driving us. 

"You are so lucky that you have Eric, do you know how long it takes me just to find a cab to get to your house?" Kate said as she looped her arm with mine.

We walked passed the queue of people and straight to the bouncer where Kate gave him a high-five and yelled out a "thanks" as we walked into the club. 

"You are so lucky you have people like him, do you know how long it takes me to get into a club by myself?" I teased my best friend to which she stuck her tongue out. 

"Shut up Sam! Quit bopping up and down, I'm trying to find the guys we are supposed to meet" and with that she was quickly pulling me across the dance floor to the bar.

Kate is very rough, and she is also tall compared to me. I am about 5'1" and Kate is about six inches taller than me. As her tall legs are taking one step, my tiny ass legs are taking three just to keep up with her. 

Kate's grip on my arm pulling me to hurry up eventually causes me to bump into people and have their drinks spill all over.

"Fucking shit" I mumbled as I looked down onto my now wet dress. Kate was long gone, she didn't notice I wasn't with her. 

"Oh crap, I am so sorry. Here let me help you" says the brunette guy who spilled his drink on me. His face showed how embarrassed he was, because even in the dim lighting in the club I could see him turn red.

"No it's fine really. It's okay" I say with such a monotonous voice that it causes the boy to just stare at me. "Now if you'll excuse me, I got to clean myself up" I sarcastically and gave a small, quick smile then left the crowd of drunken people.

After spending a solid 10 minutes in the bathroom trying to wipe out the alcohol and drying it with the hand-dryer I walk out of the bathroom. I immediately spot Kate because of her loud laugh. "Kate!" I yelled as I walked towards her. 

She quickly spun around and enveloped me in a hug. "Hey babe! Where were you? Oh! Hey, this is Jake and this is.. where'd your friend go?" she asks Jake. "Samantha, or Sam. You can call me either" I offered my hand.

Jake shook it and responded back saying "Jake. My friend's in the restroom. He'll be back in a bit, his names Nate." I smiled and asked Kate if I could finish her drink which she objected to but I did anyways. 

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